Other Side Dallas welcomes you.
This website is dedicated to accountability and transparency in local Dallas government.
We want dialogue between opposing viewpoints to find the right answer.
Our neighbors know and we believe we can do this with respect, without the drama.
That means we do not care if you are red or blue team. If your team engages in corruption or questionable practices we are calling them out.

Other Side Dallas
Ours is a group of individuals who want conversation and dialogue. Please join us is discussing Dallas local problems. We think that smart citizens provide answers to City Hall more often than the reverse.
Since our inception Other Side Dallas has brought stories to the forefront that others will not.
We reported on an illicit relationship between the chief of police and a convicted felon.
When we learned of sexual predators in our local schools, Other Side Dallas took steps to publish the complaints.
We have reported on local politicians whose actions do not match their rhetoric.
Find Us On Social Media
Most conversation takes place in our Facebook Group with news stories published here and amplified on Twitter.
If you need to contact us. You can do that HERE.