On Saturday, Barry Wernick lost his race for Dallas City Council District 11 to Jaynie Schultz. On Sunday, he acted as if his campaign hadn’t played dirtythroughout the race.

Wernick claims in his Facebook post above that “we have it a good fight without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.” This statement is completely contradicted by his campaign team who admittred in a secret recording to creating fake Facebook posts to create a negative public safety image of the ultimate winner in the race, Jaynie Schultz.
Barry Wernick Results
Despite leading in the May 1 race results, Wernick lost the runoff of June 5 by eight points. Several voters stated the false negative campaigning was their major reason for voting Schultz over Wernick.

Wernick was supported by several Park Cities Republican Women Club members. We are reaching out for their comment about the race results both in District 11 and in other parts of the city they were involved.
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