Muni court closed again in Dallas as tech issues continue to plague the City of Dallas.
Per city officials, Municipal Court cannot accept payments in person, online, or by phone due to “tech” issues.

City officials continue claims this is not related to the previous ransomware attack. That issue held city services hostage and took more than a month to correct.
There are no court hearings, trials, or jury duty Friday, July 14.
All cases planned for Friday, July 14 will be reset. Updated court dates will be mailed to the address the court has on file.
Citation payments due while the Municipal Court system is down will be accepted after service is restored. You can also mail in any payments, requests, or documents.
Service affected included public safety, the courts, and the library system.
Muni Court Closed Again
Information Technology issues have plagued the city for more than a decade.
Beyond the recent ransomware attack there is also the March 2021 Dallas police data loss. The public was never provided with a full picture of the data issues then, but rumors persist it contributed to Chris Caso’s departure.
It is unclear when city and citizen data will be safe again.