Dallas ISD fails HB3 standards by its own admission and is leaving Dallas Independent School District children unprotected.
House Bill 3, or HB3, is a historic school finance bill. In 2019 the 86th Texas Legislature in passed the bill into law.

HB3 brings more money into Texas classrooms, increases teacher compensation, and provides that every campus is protected by police officers.
Dallas ISD officers are assigned to all secondary campuses, but they are short nearly two hundred officers to comply with HB3.
the move may help what has been a clear cut case of Dallas ISD failing to educate local children.
Dallas ISD Fails HB3
Dallas ISD police have a poor record of local safety though.
Last school year there were multiple accusations against an elementary teacher at Geneva Heights of sexual assault. The district allowed him to leave to another ISD this year and families remain angry over the decision.
Similarly, Dallas ISD was unable to keep firearms off campus last year. Several years ago a 3rd grader brought a handgun onto school grounds.