Dealey Montessori disaster again as second year principal Cristina Ibarra was reassigned without explanation Tuesday afternoon.
Some parents learned of the Dallas Independent School District decision through an email Tuesday afternoon. The email went to less than half the school population.
Parents are now asking if Dealey will continue to have a revolving door after this incident. The removal of Ibarra will bring a sixth principal in four years counting interims staff members.

Ibarra has been an effective principal for Dealey Montessori turning around a campus that was slowly fading.
School based parental “leaders” sent out an email to a separate email list later in the evening. They had to send a second with corrections after the first was misworded.
Parents on a Facebook group described “disappointment”, “shock” and “outrage” over the decision.
The decision casts doubt on Dallas ISD’s ability to lead. Neither Dallas ISD staff, nor Trustee Sarah Weinberg, has returned emails to Other Side Dallas.
Officials are reportedly calling the move a “personnel issue,” but some parents are not buying the explanation.
One parent who requested anonymity said principals at other schools stayed assigned to their campus despite reports of sexual assault. (The reference to the Geneva Heights and Lipscomb story that Other Side Dallas reported in 2022.)
The parent continued, if this is about impropriety “why are they moving her to another school?”
Dealey Montessori Disaster Again Follows Years Of Missteps
The move of Ibarra, who had calmed tensions at the north Dallas campus, follows years of poor management by Beth Wing.
Wing was criticized by parents for her failures in handling Lauren Davis’ attacks on Dealey Montessori at the start of the school year in 2021 and again in December when Dallas Police Department actively worked to protect white “no mask” protestors over the safety of children at the school.
Wing was later transferred to WT White in which many called a promotion despite widespread complaints from parents about her failures in communicating and responding to a situation she helped escalate.
Her lack of leadership continued at WT White where she placed a student assaulted into the same classroom as her assaulter.
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