State Fair Shooter Identified

State Fair shooter identified by Dallas law enforcement as Cameron Turner held on $1,500,000 at the Lew Steritt Jail.

Turner is accused of firing a gun in a crowded food court at the State Fair of Texas as reported by Other Side Dallas.

State Fair Shooter Identified

Turner told Dallas police he was defending his family. He is currently charged with three counts of Aggrevated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

Police found no prior arrests or outstanding warrants for Turner.

The shooting happened a little before 8:00PM Saturday evening.

State Fair Shooter Identified – The Impacted

Three people were injured in the shooting. All were treated and released. Police interviewed all three, and two of three were cooperative. A third, Cade Kelly, would not cooperate with investigators.

In the affidavit, Kelly is reported to exchange words with Turner on a video without audio feed.

Kelly did not have anything in his hands per the statement, nor did he reach for anything.

Turner pulled out a handgun, began shooting at Kelly, and, wounded two other people not involved in the initial interactio.

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