No Spanish Speakers Need Apply

Carter Bloodcare denied two Spanish speakers the ability to donate earlier this week per multiple witnesses. The two potential donors had made an appointment for earlier this week in Spanish, but upon arrival at the Dallas donor center were told they would not be accomodated.

Carter Bloodcare Denies Spanish Speakers Ability To Donate Blood

On a regular basis Carter Bloodcare reminds the public that the blood supply is inadequate for ongoing needs while they sell donated blood products to hospitals throughout the region.

We asked Carter Bloodcare about these issues more than twenty-four hours ago. They have not responded to a request for comment other than it is accurate two donors were denied the ability to donate without being screened.

The American Red Cross also collects blood locally.

Information for Spanish Speakers

Three federal laws require that providers who receive federal funds provide oral interpreters and written translated materials to Limited English Proficiency and Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients. Those laws include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Many systems including nonprofits will use language lines which are telephone systems where a qualified translator can provide medical translation for hundreds of languages between medical staff and patient.

In addition to the above Newly adopted changes to Section 1557 of the ACA in 2016 brought about two key changes.

First, providers must now use qualified medical interpreters when treating LEP and Deaf
and HOH patients.

Second, LEP patients, for the first time, were granted the right to sue providers for language access violations. It was not clear if the Spanish speaking donors had sought counsel.

Have You Seen Our Missing Mayor?

Eric Johnson was a Missing Mayor at yesterday’s budget markup after approximately 1:30 PM when Mayor Pro Tem Adam Medrano took over the gavel and Eric Johnson was nowhere to be found.

Missing Mayor Eric Johnson

Dallas City Council was to take up eighty-four budget amendments and did so in many cases without the Mayor. Mayor Johnson left proceedings when his amendments were defeated.

The city currently has a $3.8B budget with numerous holes given the loss of tax revenue from COVID19. During that time the City Council nearly unaimously gave Visit Dallas a new five year contract despite no evidence of actually succeeding in bringing convention or visitors to Dallas and a long history of marketing suburban hotels and events.

Missing Mayor – Again

Eric Johnson’s tenures as Mayor and as a State Representative have been marred by a frequent absenteeism. He was named to Pepperdine University’s Board of Regents further fueling speculation about his focus on Dallas.

Missing Mayor Eric Johnson

Wick Allison – In Memoriam

Wick Allison, birth name Lodowick Brodie Cobb Allison (born March 17, 1948), was a Dallas, Texan magazine publisher and author. He was owner of Dallas’ D Magazine, a monthly magazine covering Dallas-Fort Worth, which he co-founded in 1974. He was also principal owner of People Newspapers, which he purchased in 2003.

Wick Allison

Allison was born in Dallas, Texas, and is a sixth-generation Texan. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1971. He served as editor of the student humor magazine The Texas Ranger and earned a degree in American Studies. Upon graduation, he served in The White House on the President’s Commission on Campus Unrest.

In 1983, he married the former Christine Peterson and has four daughters. 

Wick Allison And D Magazine

Allison co-founded D Magazine — a monthly magazine covering Dallas — in 1974. In 1985, Allison was asked by William F. Buckley, Jr. to join the board of directors of the National Review, and in 1980 he became its publisher, succeeding William A. Rusher.

In February 2013, Allison launched “D: The Broadcast,” a two-hour daily morning talk show, on local Dallas independent station KTXD, but the magazine ended its affiliation with the show in August of the same year.

He also serves as president of the non-profit American Ideas Institute, publisher of The American Conservative.

TEA Takeover For Desoto Sinking Schools?

The Texas Education Agency appears to be ready to take over Desoto Independent School District’s due to multiple questions of financial problems.

The school board accepted Dr. D’Andre Weaver’s resignation during an emergency meeting Sunday night. The reason for his resignation was not made public.

Weaver’s term started with investigations into unethical practices including more than $300,000 in travel expenses. Former board member Jerry Hall said the school board refused to do anything about inappropriate spending.

The 18-page TEA report indicates former administration employees could face a criminal investigation for fifty fraudulent credit card purchases to fictitious vendors. His efforts met resistance from some board members who had the ultimate say over him.

Texas Education Agency Plans To Take Over Desoto ISD

Texas Education Agency Next Steps

The TEA is now recommending the troubled district be taken out of the hands of the divided school board. The Desoto ISD Board of Trustees accepted Weaver’s resignation after ninety minutes in executive session.

The Desoto ISD example may be a warning of things to come given Dallas’ own sudden departures. The auditor scandal has still not been explained and may effect the bond vote. There have also been recent accusations that Dallas ISD was trying to box out minority contractors – first inferred by Trustee Maxie Johnson and then seconded by Next Generation Action Network’s Dominique Alexander.

Deep Ellum Fire Overnight: Pecan Lodge Damaged

Fire at Pecan Lodge In Deep Ellum

A Deep Ellum fire broke out early Saturday morning at Pecan Lodge. Dallas Fire Rescue is currently investigating the cause of the fire.

Fire At Pecan Lodge In Deep Ellum

Pecan Lodge had a similar early morning fire in 2016 due to what was described as a grease choked smokestack.

Pecan Lodge opened in spring 2010 and has won the praise of barbecue aficionados and has been named one of the city’s better restaurants. It has also been feature on the Food Network‘s Guy Fieri featured it on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

Fire At Pecan Lodge In Deep Ellum

Pecan Lodge Not Only Deep Ellum Action

Dallas Police also responded to a shooting leaving one dead and five injured overnight in Deep Ellum.

Dallas murder rate is ahead of last year’s which broke a ten year record.

#BREAKING: Hensley Field Redevelopment Raises Dead

Hensley Field Redevelopment back and it will cause more headaches. This time Dallas City Council will have no one to blame, but itself. Per a tweet from Mayor Johnson this morning, the Dallas City Council unanimously approved a contract to create a master plan for redeveloping Hensley Field in southern Dallas.

Mayor Johnson Tours Hensley Field Redevelopment Site

Hensley Field Redevelopment History

In January, Mayor Eric Johnson and a Trump White House official toured the former Naval Air Station Dallas. The gargantuan site known as Hensley Field is the one the city hopes to redevelop.

Both the Mayor and the Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, Scott Turner viewed the 738 acre site, which fronts Mountain Creek Lake, as a blank slate.

“I see incredible potential. A large site like this where you could do some mixed use housing. You could do some work force development and training. You could partner with Dallas Baptist University and some of our educational institutions. You’ve got multi-modal transportation opportunities here. It could be absolutely catalytic for the city,” said Johnson.

“To see the type of potential as the mayor said that’s here is very encouraging,” said Turner.

Mayor Johnson was there, and told Turner afterwards, he wanted to speak with him about Hensley Field. “I immediately said I want to come see it. I want to tour it. I want to see it for myself,” Turner said.

Johnson agreed.

“He said I’ll come see it, I want to put my feet on the ground there and I want to come look at it to help me understand it better so I can communicate it to the people I need to help things get rolling. So I’m confident we’ll make some progress. I’m very confident.”

Turner, a Republican and Johnson, a Democrat both served as State Representatives in the Texas Legislature and have remained friends since they moved on.

Johnson said, “He (Turner) really in a very convincing and heartfelt way expressed on behalf of the administration he works for their desire to be partners and work with local government on a bipartisan basis to get stuff done.”

The city’s Director of Environmental Quality and Sustainability, James McGuire said developing a site like Hensley Field from the ground up is rare. The city said while the Navy agreed to fully clean-up the contaminated site nearly 20 years ago, progress has stalled in recent years.

The Hensley Field Redevelopment could end up costing the city millions. The city current has not fulfilled its obligations to the mess created by Shingle Mountain despite a recent arrest. The past decade has been marred by city council choices to increase tax revenue with the equivalent of get rich quick schemes which always cost the taxpayer including the choice to frak on park land and more recently the plans for Reverchon Park.

Shingle Mountain Mess

The Shingle Mountain landowner and operator was arrested by the Dallas city marshal arrested on Thursday, according to a statement from Dallas City Council member Tennell Atkins.

Atkins said several city departments, including code compliance, searched the property in the 9200 block of Teagarden Road and found “numerous violations of local and state laws – including the illegal dumping of an estimated 1,000 tons of material.”

Shingle Mountain Landfill

“As I have stated on numerous occasions, I expect all property owners in the City of Dallas to follow the laws intended to protect the public and the environment,” Atkins said. “We will continue to do everything that we can to ensure that this property owner is no exception.”

The homeowner who has fought for the site’s cleanup since 2018 has a pending lawsuit against the city, the owner of the site, and the company that brought in the shingles.

Shingle Mountain History

According to the statement the case has been referred to the city attorney’s office and the city will ensure prompt cleanup, but the city’s injunction has been ongoing for years.

Blue Star Recycling LLC started collecting roofing shingles on a property just off of South Central Expressway. They had the intention of recycling them into asphalt type roading at some point. They also had been given permission from the city to store around 260 tons. Again, as noted above the current estimate is 1000 tons of material. 

D2 Candidate Told To Get Back In the Kitchen

The female D2 candidate in the Dallas Independent School District race, Nancy Rodriguez, has been told to get out of the race just two days after the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment providing women the right to vote.

Alex Enriquez was asked for comment and confirmation he made the statement. He has yet to respond, but that has not stopped the fireworks on Facebook pages and other social media.

D2 Candidate

D2 Candidates

The three candidates in District 2 will have their hands full once elected. Those candidates are Alex Enriquez, Dustin Marshall, and Nancy Rodriguez.

Their election has been moved to coincide with the November general election due to concerns about COVID19.

Not only will they contend with the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, but the results of the November bond election.

Socially Distant School

The Dallas ISD now includes a socially distant school open. Classes will begin 100% online on September 8, 2020 until at least October 6, 2020 per a Press Conference with Superintendent Michael Hinojosa.

Socially Distant School

Superintendent Hinijosa just announced the district will be 100% virtual for the first four weeks of school though October 6.  He said he’s hoping to make a decision month to month because he knows how important it is to get kids back to in person school.

These decisions follow weeks of consideration of Back to School plans which may not have been sufficient to handle the current pandemic.

Socially Distant School Extra-curricular Events

The decision on 100% sociall distant school openings effects all extra-curricular activities too. This includes strength and conditioning, band and drill team, all UIL and visual and performing arts activities.

This information was first reported by Townview Magnet Foundation.

North Texas Giving Day In Just Four Weeks

North Texas Giving Day (NTGD) returns to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in just over four weeks.

NTGD has been operaring for eleven years and during that time the online event has transformed from an idea to help raise awareness of nonprofits to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. During North Texas Giving Day, everyone has the opportunity to be a philanthropist to build a stronger and more vibrant community.

North Texas Giving Day logo

As North Texas Giving Day approaches we will highlight various nonprofits in the community and offer them a highlight.

North Texas Giving Day Champions

The Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) created North Texas Giving Day. They say their charge is to put giving to work. To take generosity and amplify it. To take passion and focus it. To seed impact and harvest it year after year. They want Dallas to invest in each other. We nourish the best in our cities, our neighbors and our communities. Because we know where giving thrives, communities thrive, too.

As one of the largest community foundations in the nation, CFT professionally manages more than 1,000 charitable funds for families, companies, foundations and nonprofits and has awarded more than $2 billion in grants since its founding in 1953.