The After Action Report – long awaited from the Dallas Police Department – is being presented to the Dallas City Council Public Safety Committee this afternoon.

As of this writing, the presentation has included a single admission of error – a memorandum issue – clearly missingthe point of the After Action Report’s reasons for being written.
An interesting note, Dallas Police claim that “some protestors left” the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge when asked. They also admit they didn’t use the Incident Command System which has been used widely by public safety since the 70s.
Dallas Police Command staff also stated that Dominque Alexander of the Next Generation Action Network was their informant on crowd movement.
Chief Hall also states she is happy about After Action Report because it shows Dallas is transparent in response to a question from Council Member Adam Bazaldua.
Council Member Carolyn King Arnold was the only person to openly support the Chief of Police – citing her race and sex as reasons for support. She made no mention of the attacks against Persons of Color by Dallas Police officers multiple times.
After Action Report Revisited
As reported by Scott Calvillo this morning, this is the Dallas Police Department’s first public response to city council since June.
It is not clear if police staff will address the assaults that occurred by police against bystanders or the lies told about the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge event.
Dallas Police have also been quiet about why officers are assigned inappropriately or why police do not respond to events in the city more proactively.