Alarming After Action Report Misses Accountability

Alarming After Action Report Misses Accountability

The After Action Report – long awaited from the Dallas Police Department – is being presented to the Dallas City Council Public Safety Committee this afternoon.

Alarming After Action Report Misses Accountability

As of this writing, the presentation has included a single admission of error – a memorandum issue – clearly missingthe point of the After Action Report’s reasons for being written.

An interesting note, Dallas Police claim that “some protestors left” the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge when asked. They also admit they didn’t use the Incident Command System which has been used widely by public safety since the 70s.

Dallas Police Command staff also stated that Dominque Alexander of the Next Generation Action Network was their informant on crowd movement.

Chief Hall also states she is happy about After Action Report because it shows Dallas is transparent in response to a question from Council Member Adam Bazaldua.

Council Member Carolyn King Arnold was the only person to openly support the Chief of Police – citing her race and sex as reasons for support. She made no mention of the attacks against Persons of Color by Dallas Police officers multiple times.

After Action Report Revisited

As reported by Scott Calvillo this morning, this is the Dallas Police Department’s first public response to city council since June.

It is not clear if police staff will address the assaults that occurred by police against bystanders or the lies told about the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge event.

Dallas Police have also been quiet about why officers are assigned inappropriately or why police do not respond to events in the city more proactively.

How the Dallas Police Department is ‘Moving Forward’

In many ways the Dallas Police Department reflects departments across the country. The public has already expressed criticism on how police departments across the US handled the George Floyd protests. Now, the Dallas Public Safety Committee will review Dallas Police Department’s actions during the mass hysteria. DPD’s Official After Action report can be found here.

The 85 page After Action report details the other side of the protest. It includes topics such as how the police planned for the protest, a logistics view on equipment use, a detailed timeline of when the police responded to incidents and finally a way they can improve and “Move Forward”.

Dallas Police Department

Unfortunately the Dallas Police Department still maintains their lie about what truly happened at Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. Which is expected, no one, especially Police Chief Reneé Hall, wants to admit they were wrong. At least not verbally.

Dallas Police Department mistakes

Here are some things the Dallas Police Department admits they can improve on.

Knowing when and when not to take action should be something to clarify with officers. Apparently that never happened. According to page 22 of the report “Operational Plans for May 29 and 30 did not list the rules of engagement.”

Communications was also an issue. One sergeant stated, “The communication was terrible. During detail, officers were given clear communication about what was expected. When the protesters moved and went on the bridge, the communication went out the window.” As a result, DPD plans to upgrade to 800MHz radio communications in order to more effectively inform every officer on the rules of engagement (which should have been told before hand).

Additionally General Orders will be modified to only allow the use of less lethal tools (Stingers, OC spray, C.S. gas, etc.) when there is an immediate danger of injury to person or damage to property, and only if approved by the Chief of Police.

Of course, if a specific individual is seen to be violating the zero tolerance rule, officers are still allowed to fire without approval. At least now less lethal tools are not allowed to be used on peaceful crowds anymore (like they were used on the bridge).

Lastly the Dallas Police Department hopes to buy 500 new body worn cameras in order to better review situations in future After Action Reports.

Despite this mostly being about the mistakes of the DPD, there is one thing to credit them on. The addition of a Duty to Intervene. Althought they claim it was always there, now it is specifically stated in the oath, and encouraged, to intervene if another officer abuses their power. Its not the solution to the Blue Wall of Silence, but its a start.

Huge #TX24 News: Independent Steve Kuzmich On Ballot

Independent Steve Kuzmich has made the November ballot for the #TX24 House seat being vacated by Rep. Kenny Marchant per sources in the Texas Secretary of State office.

Steve Kuzmich - Independent TX24

Kuzmich will face off against Darren Hamilton (Lib), Candace Valenzuela (Dem), and Beth Van Duyne (GOP) on the November 3 ballot as Democrats try to flip Texas.

Unlike the other independent in the race, Kuzmich has raised tens of thousands of dollars. While that is one tenth the amount raised by Valenzuela and Van Duyne it is unusual for independent candidates to close in on $100,000 campaign hauls.

Texas’s 24th congressional district of the United States House of Representatives covers much of the suburban area in between Fort Worth and Dallas in the state of Texas, north of Texas 33rd. The district centers along the Dallas-Tarrant county line, and includes the southeastern corner of Denton County as well.

Steve Kuzmich Background

Steve has lived in the D/FW Metroplex for over 40 years.  He graduated from Marcus High School in Flower Mound, TX in 1988. He received his Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in economics and political science from Texas A&M University in 1991 and his doctorate of jurisprudence from Baylor University’s School of Law in 1994. Steve is married and has three children.

He began practicing law in 1994 and, over a 25 year legal career, has represented thousands of clients as both Defendants and Plaintiffs in most every type of civil litigation, including complex business disputes, tort law, and family law.  As an insurance defense attorney and when representing corporate America, Steve utilized his skills to navigate the complexity of business and difficult legal issues.  As an attorney representing individuals during some of their most trying and emotional times, Steve immersed himself in the triumphs and hardships of average Americans.

Steve is a past president of the Denton County A&M Club, served 12 years on the board of Denton County Court Appointed Special Advocates Board of Directors (CASA), including 2 years as chairman, and has been a soccer coach for 15 years with Greater Area Lewisville Soccer Association (GLASA). Steve is also a certified mediator.

Parkland Hospital: Baby Born With COVID19

A baby born with COVID19 was delivered at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. The child appears to have contracted the Coronavirus in the womb.

Baby Born with COVID19

Baby Alexa tested positive at Parkland one day after she was born to Wendy Figueroa who had been admitted to the hospital with a fever, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms on April 30th.

The mother tested positive for COVID19, also known as the Coronavirus.

Because Alexa was about five weeks premature, she was kept in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit while her mom was sent home.

Figueroa had to wait out a 14-day quarantine before being sure she was over the disease. Only then was it safe to bring Alexa home.

Baby Born With COVID19 – The First?

Their case has been published this week in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.

There has been ongoing debate about the safety of opening schools and whether or not children were susceptible to COVID19. While Dallas’ COVID19 numbers have declined recently, we are still a hot spot for the disease.

Dallas ISD Jobs Opportunity: Volunteers Need

Dallas ISD jobs are available for teachers, substitute teachers, and other staff, but right now Dallas ISD needs volunteer help too distributing technology packs to elementary students.

Dallas ISD Jobs

Dallas ISD is actively recruiting volunteers to help the Technology Department distribute computers to elementary school students starting Monday, August 17, 2020.

Two shifts are available: 8 to 11 a.m. and 12 to 5 p.m. Volunteers must be cleared in the VOLY system.

  1. Complete the appropriate General volunteer application.
  2. Select the desired elementary school(s) for which you want to volunteer.
  3. Complete the online orientation (include an e-signature to confirm completion).
  4. Await receipt of an email confirming your volunteer clearance.
  5. With that email, complete your online orientation and sign up for the volunteer opportunity at your preferred school.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact Partnership and Volunteer Services at 972-925-5440.

Dallas ISD Jobs

Additionally, Dallas ISD is seeking candidates for substitute teaching positions also. There have been reports of difficulty navigating the system previously, but administration says a new system is in place to help stream line the program.

This post was adapted from Townview Magnet Foundation.

Night Shift Survey

24 Hour Dallas has a night shift survey. The link for shift workers who are employed overnight is here.

The survey is supposed to take three minutes and is designed so that 24 hour Dallas can better understand the needs of those who work overnight in and around Dallas.

Night Shift Survey

24 hour Dallas’ Night Shift Survey and More

The group aslo invites everyone who lives, works, or visits Dallas to also offer their thoughts via the survey also.

24 Hour Dallas has been working to identify multiple issues with service workers in Dallas. They recently also held a discussion on race and the economy.

Street Racing: Dallas Police Leadership Exposed

Street racing continues to show Dallas Police leadership exposed as unable to handle crime on any level. There is some focus on the data showing crime increasing beyond last year’s ten year record rate, but minor crime is rising too.

Per City Council Member Cara Mendelsohn “Chief Hall has been here for three years. She’s had opportunity and support to produce plans and produce results, I don’t think we’ve seen that.”

Meanwhile others seem to take the opposite take openly supporting Chief Hall despite obvious errors with Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge event and her response to Dallas City Council afterwards.

It is said nothing will happen until someone dies, but that does not seem to be the tipping point. In February, a Pleasant Grove man was pronounced dead after being hit by a car that was street racing. The crash happened on S. Masters Drive and Cushing Drive in Southeast Dallas. Police said 45-year-old Kendrick Lyons was ejected from his vehicle and died.

Street Racing Vexes Dallas Police Leadership

In April, more than 200 citations were issued during one weekend of street racing, but the problem of racing and stunt-like driving has caused multiple fatalities.

Last May, Olivia Mendez, an 8-year-old girl in Pleasant Grove, was killed when a racer struck the car she was a passenger in.

On Christmas Eve, an off-duty Dallas police officer, Joseph George, died after he lost control of his 2015 Ford Mustang while racing with another car, according to police. He was a four-year veteran of the department.

Murder Rate and Street Racing Symptoms Of Larger Problem

Council Member Mendelsohn cited 128 homicides in 2020, one more than the same time last year when Dallas has its worst year since the 1990s. Aggravated Assault not related to family violence is nearly 28% higher in Dallas this year compared to last.

One area of improvement: property. Property crimes are down in Dallas significantly. Some estimate this is due to COVID19 and the nuhmber of people staying home.

Higher Taxes Due

Higher Taxes Due In Proposed Budget

Higher taxes due per the new budget. The Dallas City Manager has released the 2020-2021 budget and it raises taxes by %5+ despite funding Visit Dallas at more than $25M. Other Side Dallas will continue to update.

Higher Taxes Due Now – Change In City Hall and Dallas Police Not Budgeted

Mayor Eric Johnson had suggested a rolling descrease in salaries with city employees making the most money taking the biggest salary hits. The Mayor’s idea does not seem to have made its way into the financial document.

The City Manager’s Office is budgeted an additional $267000 over the previous budget – or almost 10%.

Another major note from the budget is the fact the Dallas Police Department is not being defunded in any way. In fact, despite the multiple injuries from less lethal weapons the Dallas Police appears to be getting more of those dollars. We are waiting for statements from City Council Members at the forefront of the Defund movement.

Dallas Police have a long history of improperly using weapons including less lethal weapons on and off duty. This includes at the George Floyd protests. Community Police Oversight Board member Jose Rivas inquired of Chief Reneé Hall about her use of less lethal force during the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge event where tear gas was deployed despite her assurances it was not.

Budget: Eviction Protections vs. Homeowner Protections

The Executive Summary of the budget states that it will “alleviate financial hardship through an eviction diversion program that connects tenants facing eviction to resources ranging from housing assistance and direct legal services to financial education” yet it is unclear how higher taxes on landlords will make evictions less likely.

Revenue Predictions

It is not clear what basis the City Manager’s Office is using, but the revenue statement says the expect a sales tax revenue rebound in for the year immediately following this budget. This is despite a one third drop in GDP in the second quarter of Calendar Year 2020 nationally.

Additionally, local employer American Airlines warned of 25000 potential furloughs In July and travel is down due to COVID19.

Do not expect much from the Visit Dallas contract either. The proposed budget notes that “HOT (Hotel and Occupancy) revenues are historically volatile; therefore, actual collections may differ significantly from the budgeted amount.” Convention and Event services are budgeted at $85M despite events being forbidden by local COVID19 restrictions on large gatherings.

Higher Taxes Due And Few Services

The full budget can be seen here and Dallas City Manager TC Broadnax’s promotional video for the tax increase is below.

Texas Ram Club Still Confused About Their Cluster

In a Thursday Facebook broadcast, the Texas Ram Club including their Event Chair Nathan Abrams indicated they were still confused about how their Back The Blue event on Sunday, August 2, 2020 was misunderstood at the predominantly African American Friendship West Baptist Church.

They then defended the event by stating Pastor Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes, III misrepresented whether or not they could be there after stating they were late to the “pit stop” they had scheduled and agreed to for the Sunday car parade.

North Texas Ram Club Members Talk Back The Blue Parade

It is not clear if the group made this broadcast in order to respond to media stories, including ours, about the event, but they complain throughout the video about “communities” who are agitating to make this story bigger. They also make reference to unconfirmed reports that George Floyd had fentanyl in his system at the time of the arrest and that is the reason for his death. It is unclear what medical experience Nathan Abrams has other than an oblique reference to his brother’s “medical work” in the US Army.

Texas Ram Club

Nathan Abrams, the Texas Ram Club Event Chairman, admitted in the broadcast that the event “was a cluster.” He also admitted that Friendship West Baptist Church had denied the Texas Ram Club ‘invitation’ to be the eastern pit stop for the event along with three other locations.

Abrams in the video also says his changing accounts of events happened because “the information I thought I knew was different.”

The full video is below. We have reached out to Nathan Abrams multiple times and he has yet to respond.

Dallas ISD Jobs No One Wants Or Can Get

Want a Dallas ISD Jobs offer? One Dallas ISD teacher posted about the district’s need for substitute teachers.

Out of work? Behind on rent? Dallas ISD needs subs…

Edit to add: I thought this would helpful for out of work service industry people – people who would risk exposure to work in bars (but now can’t) could work in classrooms instead. If you are passionate about social distancing OR making lots of money – this is not the job for you.

Dallas ISD Jobs Issues

The reaction has been overwhelmingly negative per a second post.

Dallas ISD Jobs Issues

Comments in the thread include people complaining that they had applied, but could not make it through Dallas ISD’s Human Capital Management maze. This elicited a response that insinuated the poster should consider just sending invoices to Dallas ISD – a reference to the audit scandal that has yet to be answered.

Another set of comments seemed to indicate subs do not make enough money or are scabs because teachers are striking. (Note: In Texas teachers do not have the right to strike.) These comments frequently came from persons parroting statements from GOP politicians that because they do not make enough substitute teaching they should collect unemployment instead.

The final group of posters indicated teaching was mostly babysitting and they weren’t interested in being around dirty children.

“Risk my life for 85 dollars a day in a closed enviroment with children, well known for their cleanliness? I’ll pass.” The interesting part about this comment was the poster states in their Facebook profile they are a journeyman electrician, i.e. why would they be able to substitute teach?

Dallas ISD Jobs

The arguments for or against substituting not withstanding, interested parties can find the substitute information here from Dallas ISD.

As previously reported, the Dallas ISD Calendar is set in stone, but it is unclear if Dallas ISD is regular for the first day of school.