Dallas Youth Sports Back To School Giveaway

Dallas Youth Sports Back To School

Dallas Youth Sports Back to School event is this coming Saturday, August 7, 2021. Dallas Youth Sports is proud to be hosting the Back to School Community Event giving away 1000 backpacks filled with supplies for the coming school year.

Dallas Youth Sports Back To School

In addition to school supplies they event with also include haircuts, food, and much more. Line starts at 9am. This will be a first come, first served event until supplies run out.

About Dallas Youth Sports Back To School Event

Dallas Youth Sports, in conjunction with Dallas Youth Athletic Association, a 501 (c) non-profit organization, works to provide affordable recreational sports programs to the youth of the Dallas-Oak Cliff area. 

Dallas Youth Sports Back To School

Founded by a volunteer board, Dallas Youth Sports continues to operate through the generosity of members of our own community. Our staff organizes sports leagues, tournaments, and special events throughout the year in order to reach as many children as possible. 

We help our inner city youth develop athletic skills, healthy living habits, and leadership qualities by building a team concept at an early age. This enhances each child personally, athletically, and academically. 

A Dallas ISD registration event will also be taking place at the same time that morning.

US News: Dallas Down To 37

Dallas Down To 37

Dallas Down To 37 in Best Cities To Live per US News and World Report, falling out of the Top 25.

Dallas Down To 37

The US News reports says “the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area has an interesting mix of Texas pride and cosmopolitan offerings,” but dropping out of the Top 25 Best Cities must hurt that pride more than a little.

It is not clear how much city council and city hall dysfunction played into the rankings.

Dallas Down To 37 As City…And Texas Is In Wrong Top 10

According to a study conducted by CNBC, the “Great State of Texas” isn’t. Per their study Texas is second on the list of America’s worst places to live in 2021.

The study found that Texas’ weaknesses include inclusiveness, health, voting rights, and public health funding.

CNBC’s review said, “For all its strength as a place to do business, Texas keeps trying to outdo itself when it comes to laws and policies that are seen as exclusionary.”

The city itself isn’t the only thing falling. Locally, schools have been dropping from previous number one national positions.

Texas Rangers RBI For Underserved Or Prep Select?

Is the Texas Rangers RBI program for the underserved or just another prep select program is a question some are asking.

This weekend during All Star play at the West Dallas complex one team mate seemed to have a leg up as his mother is the Vice President for the Texas Rangers Foundation and a local select baseball player.

The Returning Baseball to Inner (RBI) Cities program is supposed to help increase minority participation in baseball, but it appears it is being used to defray costs for wealthy families connected to the team.

Texas Rangers RBI

Jackson Morris is playing for the Texas Cannons baseball club in addition to his time with the Texas Rangers RBI program which provides him free equipment.

Texas Rangers RBI

It is unclear if this counts against IRS rules for public charities to provide personal benefits, but neither the Texas Rangers nor the Texas Rangers Foundation would return phone calls requesting comment about the program.

Texas Rangers RBI

Texas Rangers RBI Program

The program itself has not had much success getting out of the RBI playoffs and some blame the program’s director Juan Garciga for building a group of coaches who can neither teach well or push their players beyond natural talent.

Texas Rangers RBI

The program was also hit recently by allegations one of their coaches was being investigated for masturbating to a young girl.

Deep Ellum Noise: Turn Down Enforcement?

Deep Ellum Noise

Code enforcement has been broadly targeting Deep Ellum noise recently and is getting push back from local bar owners.

Groups like 24 Hour Dallas have been trying to reinvigorate the night time economy locally so it was surprising to some to see Code Enforcement out in force recently.

Deep Ellum Noise

A petition on Change.org states City Council “snuck through a new sound ordinance recently,” but this appears to be new enforcement of current city code, not a new policy.

Deep Ellum Noise Ordinances

Dallas City noise ordinances say “(1) No mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier may be operated within 150 feet of the property line of the premises of a residence, except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and sunset, as designated by publication in a local newspaper of general circulation.”

The next section also says “(2)   A mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier may not emit loud and disturbing noises so as to interfere with the enjoyment of life or property or to interfere with public peace and comfort.

Deep Ellum Noise

Section 51A-6.102 handles noise regulation within the City of Dallas.

Danny Defenbaugh Facebook Posts Cause Alarm

Danny Defenbaugh

A Facebook account linked to Danny Defenbaugh had numerous posts linking the local private investigator with QAnon conspiracies and far right attack on President Biden, immigrants, minority Members of Congress, and the former FBI Director James Comey.

Danny Defenbaugh

Defenbaugh retired as Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas Field Office. The posts come on the heels of a Dallas based QAnon convention where Michael Flynn, the National Security Advisor fired by President Trump, called for a coup at the Omni Hotel.

Defenbaugh is currently a Texas licensed Investigations Security Contractor and runs a security consultant company under his own name out of Kaufman, Texas. His website states their mission is to “provide senior management with comprehensive guidance relative to their security environment to promote and enhance the protection of personnel, assets, information, and business operations.”

The discovery of these and other posts come on the heels of open attacks by MAGA supporters in Dallas city streets.

Danny Defenbaugh
Danny Defenbaugh
Danny Defenbaugh

Danny Defenbaugh – Chief Oklahoma City Bombing Investigator Hides Foul Ups

Danny Defenbaugh, was the FBI agent at the center of the Oklahoma City bombing investigation and a major foul-up over document production.

In Congressional testimoney, he told lawmakers that he waited for months to alert his superiors because he wanted to ascertain the magnitude of the document problem which could have jeopardized Timothy McVeigh’s execution.

Agent Defenbaugh, the lead investigator of the Oklahoma City bombing case who was in charge of collecting investigative documents per the FBI had an inkling that something was amiss as early as January. This was noted in the summary of a briefing Defenbaugh gave to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

McVeigh’s execution, originally set for May 16, 2001, was delayed by the Justice Department until June 11, 2001, after the FBI revealed that investigative records had not been turned over to McVeigh’s lawyers.

Defenbaugh has not returned an inquiry into these posts as of publish.

QAnon Supporter Michael Flynn Calls For Coup in Dallas

QAnon Conference Leads To Call For Coup In Dallas

Michael Flynn Calls For a Myanmar style coup in Dallas at the Omni Hotel this weekend in the latest provocation by far right QAnon supporters.

The Omni Dallas Hotel is hosting guests for the four-day QAnon inspired conference called For God and Country Patriot Roundup. The event featured prominent QAnon supportes including former national security advisor Michael Flynn.

Coup In Dallas

The conference began on Friday with a VIP meet-and-greet reception and lasted through yesterday, Memorial Day. 

Flynn responded to a crowd question about why a Myanmar style insurrection could not happen here and he respodned he thought it should.

It is unclear what the cost is to taxpayers for police overtime to provide a space to organizers who openly support insurrection against the United States government.

Dallas County overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in November 2020 with 598,576 votes to Donald Trump’s 307,076 votes. This was approximately 65% to 33% with third party candidates taking in the remainder.

2020 Election Results

Coup In Dallas – Not The First Issue At Omni Hotel

The Omni Dallas has had numerous issues in recent history.

Last year the Omni Hotel refused to put the Black Lives Matter slogan on its hotel wall. The Omni is one of the hotels supported by Visit Dallas which has had numerous audit issues over the years costing taxpayers millions of dollars.

This conference also comes on the heels of Barry Wernick’s campaign for Dallas City Council, District 11, being accused of Trumpian campaign tactics. Wernick’s team admitted in a secret recording to doctoring a Facebook post of his opponent for the Dallas City Council seat earlier in the campaign season.

Thank You DFW Response Community

We hope everyone will join us in saying thank you DFW response community for all their hard work these past few days.

The parent of Other Side Dallas, the George Dealey Leadership Institute Foundation, is asking for your contributions so we can buy gift cards from local shops to say thank you to DFW first responders (police, fire, and EMS) along with their healthcare partners and road crews.

Thank You DFW

As we get through this storm we know they have given their all for us twenty-four hours a day.

Thank You DFW Contributions

Your tax deductible contribution can be made here. Let’s all make sure our local first responders know they are our heroes as we get through this storm together.

Thank You DFW

Chief Eddie Garcia: Drug Houses A Detriment

Drug Houses A Detriment

Chief Eddie Garcia came out swinging saying drug houses a detriment to our neighborhoods in a tweet just two days after a Dallas City Council Public Safety committee meeting focused on drug arrests.

Drug Houses A Detriment

Drug houses are a detriment to our city. Today, Dallas SWAT served a warrant at a high risk location. 6 people were arrested for narco. But, it was the 10th time in 3 yrs we’ve hit this location. My message to landlords: Be warned, be responsible or we WILL hold YOU accountable.

On Monday, new Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia halted a resolution to stop arrests for small amounts of marijuana at his very first Public Safety Committee meeting.

A City Council resolution against arrests for less than two ounces of marijuana has been under review for months since Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot began refusing to prosecute those cases.

Drug Houses A Detriment To More Than Neighborhoods

During the meeting Garcia noted, “The real victims were those businesses in that area that have to struggle with drug dealers posting up in front of their business and having a 24-hour weed sale in front of their businesses. That is something that certainly affects our city.”

Drug Houses A Detriment

Dallas Police Monitor Tonya McClary, who runs the Officer of Community Police Oversight, said 6,000 misdemeanor cases last year, including many for small amounts of marijuana, unfairly targeted African Americans. She complained these arrests leave them with harmful criminal records.

Garcia said you can not arrest your way our of crime and that he intends to have a new violent crime plan by April.

Garcia has been on the job for only one week, but faces an uphill battle with three dead this weekend in an apartment shooting. He is also not following in the steps of his predecessor, Reneé Hall, who was cozy with violent criminals leading to her leaving early after it was disclosed.

Shingle Mountain Fix

Shingle Mountain Fix

Dallas City Council Member Tennell Atkins reports the Shingle Mountain fix is starting. Per a statement by Atkins issued regarding removal of shingles at 9505 S. Central Expressway: “The removal of shingle material at 9505 S. Central Expressway today marks a new era in Southern Dallas.”

Shingle Mountain Fix

The City’s contractor, Roberts Trucking, will move the shingle material to McCommas Bluff Landfill. The landfill is prepared to receive this type of material, and plans to recycle it. The contractor anticipates the removal process will be complete by the end of March 2021. 

The removal process is being supervised by Modern Geosciences to address environmental concerns associated with the removal. Air monitoring will occur on and off site to ensure air quality meets appropriate standards to protect human health. 

Shingle Mountain Fix

Shingle Mountain Fix Is Still A Legal Issue

The city statement goes on saying,“While the City has settled with one of the property owners, the City remains in litigation with the remaining defendants.  

“We are nearly at the end of a two year journey, involving the tireless work of the City’s legal team and various City departments. We are hopeful this process will alleviate concerns from surrounding community members and emphasizes the City’s commitment to a clean environment.”

Single Mountain has been a long term problem for the city,

Drinks On Brink Zoominar This Tuesday

Drinks On Brink

24 Hour Dallas is holding a Drinks On Brink Zoominar this Tuesday, December 15, 2020.

Join 24HourDallas as they host Drinks On The Brink, a free Zoominar that explores Dallas’ independent bars and how they might navigate the coming months. Guest panelists include Dr. Eric Anthony Johnson of Dallas’ Economic Development office, Stephanie Keller Hudiburg, the Executive Director of the Deep Ellum Foundation, and Jeff Brightwell, a partner at Dot’s Hop House.

You can register for this event at no cost to you here.

Drinks On Brink
Drinks On Brink

Neighborhood pubs, taverns, bars, and saloons have played pivotal roles in United States history. Paul Revere was known to frequent Boston’s Bell In Hand while first President George Washington favored Williamsburg’s Christiana Campbell tavern. The ideas, treaties, and revolutions that have shaped our nation have often been crafted and confirmed with a tip of a glass.

COVID19 and public health issues are concerns, but independent bars, pubs, and restaurants need financial relief they need to weather the pandemic. A major concern is what ideas, treaties, and revolutions are being lost with independent bars being lost to a pandemic.

24 Hour Dallas: Drinks On Brink

This is just the latest effort by the 24 Hour Dallas coalition to bring attention to issues hitting the Dallas service industry the hardest. 24 Hour Dallas had Seize The Night – Carpe Noctem – and race consciousness events in the summer and has existed to assist the Dallas service industry since 2015.