Best Of 2023

Best Of 2023

Best Of 2023 from Other Side Dallas includes surprised topics that we would not have predicted in January.

The biggest stories by pageviews on Other Side Dallas for included two stories from 2022 and one from 2020. This year Other Side Dallas hit 100,000 views per month for the first time.

Best Of 2023

The biggest stories of the year by pageview are…

  1. Friday the 13th Attack Warning
  2. Deion Sanders (2022 story)
  3. Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault (2022 story)
  4. US Attorney In Amateur Hotwife Porn (2020 story)
  5. Hillcrest Nazis

The plan is to continue covering news that matters – particularly for the 2024 elections – this coming year.

We believe that journalism means sometimes you have to print things that are uncomfortable for our readers.

Best Of 2023

We have not done public relations and don’t plan to start in 2024.

Best Of 2023

In 2024, Other Side Dallas will continue writing about Dallas local breaking news as we can throughout 2024.

We will see you in 2024.