Dallas ISD Dead End

Dallas ISD dead end is becoming more than amoniker thrown at students in the city ISD, but is statistically becoming more true.

Dallas ISD high school graduates immediately seeking secondary education has declined.

Dallas ISD dead end is becoming more than amoniker thrown at students in the city ISD, but is statistically becoming more true.

This comes despites millions being poured into postsecondary options, testing, and preparation. These results also come with a superintendent who consistenty begs for more money.

New Superintendent Elizalde has been quick to request new dollars for expensive plans that never work.

Most school systems suffered some learning loss after COVID19, but Dallas ISD seemed to excel in this area.

Dallas ISD Dead End Predictable?

The response from Board of Trustees members immediately after the coronavirus pandemic was to lower standards.

In January 2021, a learning loss town hall occurred with these exact results predicted, but Dallas ISD glossed over the issues.

Overall DISD graduates who enrolled into college immediately after high school slid from 58% to 46%.

Brian Lusk complained about “summer melt” when students chose other paths, but had no answers other than more advisors and more money, not more teachers.