Dallas Flushes $55M

Dallas flushes $55M in taxpayer dollars with a yawn after a consent agenda item to pay out the sum to Trinity East Energy.

The agenda item can be seen here was referenced in a story by Tim Rogers at D Magazine.

Dallas Flushes $55M

Former city manager Mary Suhm engaged the city in a secret side deal with Trinity East Energy. The deal provided the city with tens of millions of dollars. In exchange the got drilling rights under park property.

Eventually, this side deal led to a lawsuit against the City of Dallas and taxpayers holding the bag.

Rogers’ point though was who is watching out for taxpayers.

In another era where city council is going to ask citizens for a loan to cover their unbudgeted pension obligations, who is watching the store?

Dallas Flushes $55M Again Before Asking For More

The fact that the Dallas pension in crisis is hardly news. The idea no one seems to mind asking the taxpayers to finance their mistakes should be.

Other Side Dallas is your source for Dallas local breaking news.

DMN Surprised By Pension

DMN Surprised By Pension

DMN surprised by pension mess they helped create with their electoral endorsements help in 2019 for current mayor, Eric Johnson.

DMN Surprised By Pension

Today’s oped brings another glimpse into the lack of reality that is the Dallas Morning News editorial team.

The morning PR post starts “First responders are there when we need them most. When someone calls 911, they are first on the scene…”

The ivory tower approach misses the regular concern of citizens who do not understand why officers do not respond.

They don’t respond for auto theft, burglary, and many other crimes – all of which is part of the current plan.

Exact crime figures are hard to know because Chief Garcia has gone out of his way to limit crime data for citizens and the media.

Meanwhile other city council members have gone along kicking the proverbial can down the road on pension funding.

The result is a $4 billion – with a B – shortfall, we reported on in August. The Dallas pension in crisis story is far from over.

DMN Surprised By Pension

DMN Surprised By Pension

Actuaries suggest the pension systems need an immediate infusion of $1.3B to stay afloat.

In August there was a suggestion for a half billion dollar pension obligation bond during city budget discussion.

These figures though require no promise of future fiscal sanity from the financial arsonists the newspaper continues to endorse.

Other Side Dallas expects voters will see a November ballot question to take on more debt while the city wastes funds on politically expedient projects.

Other Side Dallas will provide Dallas local breaking news and other community news updates when able.

Ten Car Break In

Ten Car Break In

A ten car break in this weekend in the area of Forest and Abrams has more Dallas residents frustrated by non-response by Dallas Police.

Dallas Police for years have claimed to be underfunded after multiple attempts to defund the police. Now though it seems they just don’t respond at all.

Ten Car Break In

Dallas moved to an online reporting system to avoid dispatching an officer, but these crimes appear to never be followed up on.

Dallas City Council seems more focused on virtue signaling on issues than tackling problems facing every day citizens.

Ten Car Break In

This vehicle break spree in is one of many incidents where vandals and/or petty thieves target Dallasites with crime.

This follows years of Dallas residents complaining Dallas police do not respond to issues including assaults against children.

Dallas Police have yet to respond to our request for comment.

Ransomware Attack Report

Ransomware Attack Report

Ransomware attack report leaves concern after 30000 users had personal details leaked. The city remains tightlipped about the loss.

City officials postponted the official After-Action Review of Chief Information Officer Bill Zielinski.

Candy’s Dirt was able to get a copy of the presentation for the September 6 city council meeting.

Ransomware Attack Report

The ransomware hack of resources disrupted city operations across the city. Problems occurred for building permits, libraries, and even emergency response operations.

Municipal courts and 311 have also been affected.

Zielinski told Candy’s Dirty they are budgeting eight figures in the FY2024 budget.

This comes after issues with back up of city data causing terabytes of data loss. The data loss caused case load issues where the police could not prosecute cases.

Ransomware Attack Report

The city says this is an ongoing criminal investigation, but will not comment if they paid the ransom.

Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) was also targeted in November 2022. They paid roughly $170000 in ransom. Some say this encourages the attackers.

Dallas Budget Showdown 2023

Dallas Budget Showdown 2023

Dallas Budget Showdown 2023 is here now that the budget was released over two weeks ago and the usual sparklers, not fireworks, have begun.

Late last week, Mayor Eric Johnson sent a memo to TC Broadnax, directing him to develop a new FY 2023–24 Budget. The new budget is based upon a no-new-revenue tax rate.

Dallas Budget Showdown 2023

The mayor is following the lead of Cara Mendelsohn, who has been a consistent voice on the budget since Lee Kleinman left city council two years ago.

Dallas Budget Showdown 2023 Details

Other Side Dallas notes that year in and year out some council members provide performative actions against the budget.

These consistently result in no tax savings to the taxpayer or structural support long term.

Specifically, Dallas has a shortfall anticipated in the next five years that may total one billion dollars. Part of the problem is non response to another structural problem with public safety pensions.

Smoke and mirrors have provided some illusion of lower crime, but most citizens see crime problems creeping further into Dallas.

Dallas Pension In Crisis

The Dallas pension in crisis is not news to anyone who was here for the 2016 debacle that led to its near collapse.

The new pension crisis has been expected since 2016. The city budget debate coming is shedding new light on the old problem.

City council and city officials now face tough decisions about how to start building back the two public safety funds.

Dallas Pension In Crisis

In 2016, the fund nearly went bankrupt. This happened after money that had been invested in luxury real estate did not turn a profit. There had been a risk of default at the time

City staff says there is currently $4B in in unfunded liabilities for both the Police and Fire Pension Fund and the city’s employee retirement fund.

Dallas Pension In Crisis – Hurting Recruitment?

There are requests to hire nearly 300 more police officers and 100 more firefighters. There are also new requests for overtime funding for both sides of the public safety spectrum.

One consideration is to issue nearly half a billion dollars in pension obligation bonds, i.e. take out a loan to pay the current loan owed.

Other Side Dallas will provide Dallas local breaking news and updates to this important public safety story.

Dallas Budget 23-24

Dallas Budget 23-24

The Dallas Budget 23-24 is now public after TC Broadnax released his plan to lower crime or tax bills for local residents.

Broadnax’s recommendations for the 2023-2024 budget include more money for police and fire personnel. There is a modest cut to the overall tax rate. The new rate is still a tax increase against appraisals that are rising by ten percent or more.

Dallas Budget 23-24

The budget also includes more money for staff to enforce city council’s move against short term rentals.

The budget also has funding for new technology infrastructure.

Ransomware attacks in Dallas caused problems for Dallas Fire Rescue response and basic services. For weeks, library patrons could not use the request system to check out items.

The attacks also hit the court systems also.

Dallas Budget 23-24

Overall, the city of Dallas, Texas, is gearing up for a transformative year with the unveiling of its 2023-2024 budget.

The full budget is available here.

Other Side Dallas will track budget discussions and ask questions along the way.

Local Early Voting Starts

Local Early Voting Starts

Local Early Voting starts this morning and continues through next Tuesday at polling places across Dallas County.

Local Early Voting Starts

As usual Dallas County will be responsible for the elections for both members of city council and Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees.

Mayor Eric Johnson is running unopposed despite the rumors he was pushing candidates against several incumbents.

Local Early Voting Starts, But Voters Disinterested

Low turnout numbers continue to plague Dallas elections.

In 1995, Ron Kirk was elected mayor for the City of Dallas with 23% of eligible voters casting ballots.

When Eric Johnson was elected mayor less than half that number turned out in the nine-person race.

To date, voters are barely trickling in and there has been no super issue pushing voters to participate.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua plays hero behind fence again in another forced confrontation with Dallas City Council colleagues.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua was the only vote against an ordinance to improve pedestrian safety in medians and crosswalks.

Dallas City Council approved 14 – 1 a plan that allows citations and fines for people walking on medians or standing at intersections.

The new ordinance is not named or aimed at “panhandling,” but some suggest the intent is clear.

City staff paint a different picture though stating pedestrian-related deaths account for 30% of all deaths citywide.

According to Department of Transportation Director Ghassan Khankarli, “All we’re trying to do is protect innocent pedestrians from harm’s way.”

Focal areas will be on major and minor highways and access streets. The intent is to protect the vulnerable from higher volumes of traffic or higher speed.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua has claimed to support the homeless – until they are on his door step.

In previous years Bazaldua hid behind his fenced community when Keep Dallas Safe brought panhandlers to his neighborhood.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua was also silent when antifa activists acted threateningly during a homeless camp clean up earlier this summer.

Bazaldua lost another fight he picked with his own Democratic Party Precinct Chair.

Some have hinted that Bazaldua sees an opening to run for Mayor next year against sitting Mayor Eric Johnson and former Dallas ISD superintendent Michael Hinojosa.

Park Board Political Campaign

A Park Board political campaign has led to an ethics complaint and new headaches. The Park Board is already facing separate discrimination complaints due to Juneteenth actions.

Now Dallas Parks and Rec has a new issue: political campaign social media posts by a board member.

JR Huerta, representative for District 1, has posted to Facebook about a campaign. Posts started showing up in May 2022 when rumors Chad West would run for Mayor. West is the city council member for District 1 and appointed Huerta.

Park Board Political Campaign

In an email response, West denies running for Mayor at this point. He says, “I am focusing on my responsibilities to the constituents and neighbors in District 1.” West goes on to say his focus is “crime reduction, expansion of parks and trails, and West Oak Cliff Action Plan.”

West had not seen the social media statements by Huerta. Reports are that Huerta was talking about political plans at a Parks’ Teen All Access pass event.

While West denied knowing of these statements, one city staff member stated “JR should know better.”

Huerta runs Dallas Youth Sports which has contributed significantly to the Oak Cliff area. That nonprofit consistently donates thousands of dollars to the community in free gifts for back to school events or at Christmas.

Park Board Political Campaign Another Black Eye

It is unclear the status of the ethics complaint, but it is another example of unclear ethics rules. It is also another example of little to no oversight of city appointees.

As we began this investigation there were no other signs JR Huerta was running for city council or mayor. To date he has not filed a Campaign Treasurer Appointment notification. His social media posts do appear to be testing the waters and would put him in violation of the city charter.

These violations would be like Adam Bazaldua’s failed campaign for Precinct Chair.

Adam Bazaldua lost his most recent election – for Precinct Chair of 1084 in South Dallas. That news came per Dallas County Elections returns.

The city charter appears to prevent those types of political events.