No Monitoring For Elibanna Murderers

No Monitoring For Elibanna Murderers

No monitoring for Elibanna murderers is on Monday’s docket in the 283rd District Court. This comes after their bond was already lowered freeing them to repeat crimes.

On November 16, 2021, Ali Elbanna was murdered at the Costco Business Center in Dallas on Park Lane.

Mr. Elbanna was loading groceries into his car when four individuals, including Jacoby Tatum, approached him. They were in a stolen vehicle from an earlier crime.

No Monitoring For Elibanna Murderers

They demanded his belongings, and then shot and killed him.

The four individuals were arrested and charged with capital murder related to the killing along with multiple counts of aggravated robbery for offenses committed earlier the same day, including incidents at South Oak Cliff High School and NorthPark Mall.

Now, Tatum’s defense counsel seeks removal of his Electronic Leg Monitor (ELM). A hearing will take place Monday, August 22nd at 9:00AM on the sixth floor of the Frank Crowley Courthouse. The courthouse is located at 133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75207.

No Monitoring For Elibanna Murderers

If Judge Lela Mays chooses no monitoring for the Elibanna murderers it would follow similar decisions by Democrat nominated judges to lower bonds for violent criminals.

It would also follow a pattern of selective prosecution by John Creuzot.

Four sources say District Attorney Creuzot has a political deal in place with Dominque Alexander and NGAN activists. Alexander who has been convicted of felony child charges does not attack Creuzot. In exchange, Creuzot ignores Alexander’s questionable activist work in South Dallas.

Creuzot faces Faith Johnson in his re-election campaign in November 2022.

The Elibanna family released the following statement:

“We are terrified for the people of Dallas, including for our family, which has already been irreparably harmed by this individual’s actions. Our father is dead, and one of the four individuals who helped kill him is out on the streets of Dallas right now. The lowering of the bonds to allow for these four murderers to be released before their trials is dangerous for everyone in our community. We hope the judge will decide to keep the leg monitor and reconsider the lowering of the bonds that allowed for this individual to be released.”

Ali Elbanna

Ali Elbanna, a naturalized American citizen born in Lebanon to Palestinian refugees, was a resident of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for more than thirty years.

He was married to Stephanie Young Elbanna, a Fort Worth native, for thirty-three years, and together they had five children.

Mr. Elbanna was a smnall business owner in Arlington, Texas. He was an active member of the local community. He was sixty years old at the time of his passing.