The wild west Deep Ellum violence continues with an overnight shooting in the entertainment district.
This shooting took two more lives and impacted countless others as three others were wounded around 2:00AM when clubs were closing in the area. Dallas Police say they have those involved in custody.
Dallas Police say they believe this is an isolated incident, but a safety plan for the area was released just one day ago.
Overall violence crime is up and Dallas per capita crime rivals Chicago, Los Angeles, and other historic centers of city violence.
Last month, city leaders met with Safe Night LLC, a group aimed at creating safe environments for businesses and patrons, for training on how to improve street safety around Dallas, but particularly as the violence takes a toll on the nighttime economy trying to recover from coronavirus.

Wild West Deep Ellum Violence
Violence is not new to Deep Ellum and Dallas police close streets in the area on weekends under the guise of curtailing violence though it is not clear that works.
Some in Deep Ellum believe Dallas Police Department officers escalate situations unnecessarily as in the case of Melvin Williams who assaulted a bystander.
City code enforcement also has a confusing relationship with the area. Last year code enforcement began ticketing club owners for noise violations in an area zoned for clubs and entertainment.