Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Here we go again says Ellen’s owner, Joe Groves.

Rising numbers of COVID19 cases has the restaurant owner with a sign on his door informing his patrons to mask up or shut up.

Here We Go Again

Groves’ restaurant started mandating masks for its patrons last Thursday, July 29. Many, including Groves say they expect and are prepaing for the worst.

Here We Go Again Locally And Nationally

Locally, coronavirus numbers have returned to the same numbers as February 2021, similar to other parts of the country. In San Francisco though local bar and restaurant industry leaders acted similarly to Ellen’s: No Proof of Vaccination/No Service.

Here We Go Again

The San Francisco group represents five hundred bars who came together to say patrons must get a vaccine or skip going out to the bars represented by the group.

Beyond Groves, no organization has taken on the question of mandating masks or vaccination as strongly or as unified as the San Francisco example.

Currently, Governor Abbott has stopped localities from implementing government enforced requirements for masks or vaccinations.