Gary Kelly Has COVID19

Gary Kelly Has COVID19

Southwest Airlines Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly has COVID19 just days after glibly telling Congress he doesn’t think masks provide any health benefit in contradiction to Centers for Disease Control guidance.

Gary Kelly Has COVID19

It is unclear how many cases are happening within Southwest Airlines right now, but more locally Dealey Montessori cases shot up immediately when unmasked students were allowed it the classroom in violation of Dallas ISD’s mask mandate.

Gary Kelly Has COVID19, But Losing Control At Airline?

Weeks ago Southwest Airlines had to cancel 2000 flights in a weekend stranding tens of thousands of passengers across the United States. At the time they blames weather and technology, but insiders say it was a mass Blue Day – where employees call out sick from work. American Airlines had similar issues.

Southwest also said it would follow Goveror Greg Abbott’s mask mandate prohibitions instead of federal government rules.