Local 58 Leadership Still Protecting Their Johnson

DFR Unable To Respond

Local 58 leadership still protects their mayoral candidate, Eric Johnson, despite his ineffectiveness regarding TC Broadnax.

Johnson spoke to roughly two dozen members at Local 58 last night on several issues.

Local 58 Leadership Meets With Eric Johnson

One member asked about the continued employment of Broadnax.

Jim McDade posted later ” (a) couple council members crawfished once it became political.”

McDade noted “you need 8 votes to terminate him.”

McDade is President of International Association of Firefighters Local 58.

Local 58 Leadership Protects Eric Johnson

In June, Mayor Eric Johnson surrendered his battle against TC Broadnax. In a post on Medium, Johnson said he will work with Broadnax moving forward. The two pledged a collaborative environment moving forward.

Less than two weeks prior Johnson said,” it was time for a change at the top of our city government.” Johnson now realizes he is short votes needed to remove Broadnax. Johnson has effectively boxed himself into a corner.

The strong mayor proponent is clearly not that strong, nor not that smart.

Local 58 Leadership and Meet and Confer

Meet and Confer refers to a law that passed in 2005 by the Texas Legislature. It is also known as Local Government Code 174. Texas law states fire fighters and police officers have the right to associate. This organization is as a fair and practical method to determine compensation. It also provides a seat to discuss other conditions of employment such as safety.

Most public employees do not have this right. The states purpose of Meet and Confer is for employee groups is to meet at reasonable times. It allows “good faith” discussion on compensation, hours, etc.

Local 58 leadership has been noticeably silent on William Carter – a firefighter paid to not work – despite being physically able to do so.

Other Side Dallas was also unable to find public statement from Local 58 on Brad Cox’s assault of a homeless man or EMS response to LaDamonyon Dewayne Hall.