Spring Valley Athletic Antisemitism

Spring Valley Athletic Antisemitism

Youth ball in Richardson took an ugly turn this weekend as Spring Valley athletic antisemitism took the field at Spring Valley Elementary this past weekend.

Spring Valley Athletic Antisemitism

Other Side Dallas has independently watched video of a baseball game at the Richardson Independent School District campus where parents of a youth baseball team stated “1/2 the [other] team needs to be put in ovens” referring to a youth baseball team with a number of Jewish players.

Spring Valley Athletic Antisemitism
Youth sports has increasingly become dangerous for youth to participate in as adults push themselves into games.

Other Side Dallas has reached out to both Richardson schools and Spring Valley Athletic Association for comment who leases the fields from the North Dallas suburb.

Some parents have said they are shocked that this happens in the open, but others said this is what happens when bullies are allowed to act with impunity.

Officials will not get in the middle of these events and are too timid to address racism or other hateful language directly.

One parent was particularly blunt saying, “they can barely handle their job with eight year olds. they’re not going to take on adults too.”

Antisemitism On The Rise Locally

Richardson has been the focus of a number of antisemitic events recently including the distribution of antisemitic flyers.

Additionally, the City of Dallas had one of their parking garages painted with swastikas two years ago. To date there have been no prosecutions.

Spring Valley Athletic Antisemitism More Bad Baseball In North Texas

There has been an uptick in local sports violence including players attacking one another and assaults on youth sports fields.

The video above is from the North Central Texas College/Weatherford baseball game which did not have racial or other hate overtones, but demonstartes poor game management by officials and school site administrators.

These same issues plague recreational and travel sport events across the country and are becoming more common both in Dallas, but also across the country.