White Rock Bald Eagles Perch Again?

White Rock Bald Eagles

The White Rock bald eagles displaced by high winds earlier in the week may not be lost yet.

A Texas Parks and Wildlife Department urban wildlife biologist, Sam Kieschnick, told NBC 5 that there could still be time in the season for the birds to mate and build a new nest.

White Rock Bald Eagles

The Bald Eagle couple lost their nest from a cottonwood tree a day earlier this week after high winds knocked the nest down.

White Rock Bald Eagles

The eagles are federally protected and the City of Dallas has taken extra steps to ensdure their protection.

As a result, the city had taken extra steps to protect the eagles, including erecting temporary fencing near the parking lot and signs telling visitors to stay away from the nest.

Anyone who takes an eagle or any part of their nest could face penalties up to $100,000.

The city plans to keep the immediate area around the nest closed while natural resources officials monitor the bird’ activity.

Other Side Dallas will continue to provide updates on this story.