Chief Hall started a listening tour and it went bad – quickly.
Chief Hall who was met with protests responded: “One of the things we can’t do, and I am here to speak to you, and if you don’t want to hear me, then there’s nothing that I can do for you if you don’t want to hear,” Hall said.
Hall continues to be under the impression she can dictate protestor’s feelings on her lack of command experience and poor decision making as evidenced by non-protest bystanders being hit by rubber bullets, officers assaulting a prone adult male recording events, and her lies about her Rules of Engagement at the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge.
Her Sunday “conversation” outside city hall but cut her speech short as people in the crowd called on her to resign as has been done on with nearly 2000 people asking for her to leave office or Dallas City Council to remove her.

A Dallas police insider complained Chief Hall was not even in uniform. The tweet made clear Dallas Police does not issue polos, but that there are two sets of rules – one set for Hall and one for everyone else.
Chief Hall Continues To Gaslight
Chief Hall spoke to protesters, hoping to have a conversation about needed changes in policing. Instead, the protesters wouldn’t let her talk.

“I was on my knees with my hands up and was tear gassed,” one protester said.
The meeting with protestors appears to be one more attempt to change the narrative. Late last week Chief Hall dropped a video via Dallas Police saying DPD was taking a knee with protestors as opposed to on them.
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