Donald Trump’s recent decadent Dallas fundraiser was hosted by long term State Senator Royce West business partner, Brint Ryan. West is currently seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge US Senator John Cornyn in November.

Brint Ryan is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ryan LLC – an indirect tax firm – which specializes in lowering tax payments in the areas of property, sales, and Value Added Taxes. Sen. Royce West is a forty percent owner in the firm which rakes in half a billion dollars annually and contributes regularly to Republican causes.
In 2016, Ryan donated more than $80,000 to the Republican National Committee and in 2017 was campaign treasurer for Lisa Luby Ryan’s failed campaign against State Representative John Turner. Lisa Luby Ryan beat moderate Jason Villalba in a contentious Republican primary before giving the seat away to Democrats just a few months later making a majority in the Texas State House of Representatives possible in 2020.
Ryan was also appointed by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to a business task force to improve the Texas economy, but much of the Ryan LLC website focuses on their expansive work exporting jobs overseas to Hyderabad and the United Kingdom.

Ryan is also known as the 2009 candidate who ran the most expensive Dallas City Council campaign in history. The race was not only expensive, but perhaps one of the vilest in history also ending in a now-settled libel and slander suit.
Ann Margolin ran a campaign on her long-time civic volunteer experience at city hall and on the Parkland Hospital board. Ryan ran as a successful businessman and outsider – sound familar – who was the “perfect candidate.”
Brint Ryan was also instrumental in bringing Donald Trump Jr to the University of North Texas for a business speaker series. That speech included a $100,000 honorarium.

Donald Trump In Dallas
On June 11, 2020, President Donald Trump, spoke in Dallas describing his administration’s policy response to issues raised by George Floyd protests nationwide. He was quoted as saying that some police officers who abuse their power are “bad apples,” but cautioned against “falsely labeling” many Americans as racist.
Trump made the remarks during a roundtable discussion on policing in Dallas that excluded the African American District Attorney, Sheriff, and Police Chief. (Disclosure: Other Side Dallas has noted numerous issues with Chief Hall’s recent tenure here, here, here, and here.
These remarks were before the Brint Ryan fundraiser for his reelection effort that cost more than $500,000 per couple and was expected to net $10 million.
While light on details, Trump said his plan centered on economic development in black and Latino communities — going “above” the federal Opportunity Zones program — but without real details. He also said his administration was investing “substantial sums” in medical institutions that serve communities of color. He added he was finalizing an executive order that would encourage police departments nationwide “to meet the most current professional standards for use of force, including tactics for deescalation.”
Senate Primary Runoff
The news of Royce West’s connection to Donald Trump made some Democrats livid.
One local Democrat supporting Royce West lashed out at MJ Hegar for a lack of feminist credentials because she had accepted contributions from a corporate lawyer who had defended a “serial predator in Hollywood.”
Others were more circumspect and concerned it was one more issue with Senator Royce West whose son recently received a no bid contract from a state agency Senator West oversees. Details of the Department of Transportation contract have still not been released, but it would allow him access to prime real estate near downtown Dallas near I-45.
The runoff election is scheduled from June 29, 2020 to July 14, 2020.
Royce West is not a 40% owner of Ryan LLC. He’s a 40% owner of RyanWest LLC, which is a way way way smaller operation.