Local Jeep Club Officials Accused of Pulling Wool Over Ram

Did North Texas Jeep Club sucker punch Ram? According to one internal document the Texas Ram Club had the wool pulled over its eyes during the Sunday, August 2, 2020 for the Back The Blue car parade which ended at Friendship West Baptist Church. In a document obtained exclusively by Other Side Dallas, Texas Ram Club says North Texas Jeep Club claimed to have permission from Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III. They did not.

In the document the Texas Ram Club admits they were initially denied as a rest stop location, but claim they later had permission.

Representatives of the group say they initially did not see the Black Lives Matter sign hanging from the church, entering the parking lot from a different direction, or they would not have entered given the recent interaction between the Dallas Police and members of the African American community.

They also state they noticed one driver who was displaying the confederate flag and asked that driver to remove it which the owner would not so they demanded he leave the lot. A second driver was approached about a Trump flag, but left before leadership could remove him. Accounts on scene indicated that there was more than one driver with either the confederate or Trump campaign flag, but those accounts are not addressed in this document.

North Texas Jeep Club Statement 1
North Texas Jeep Club Statement 1B

Ram Club Comments, Code of Conduct, and Screesnhots

This is the Texas Rams Club Code of Conduct and photos from event.

North Texas Jeep Club Statement 2
North Texas Jeep Club Photos
North Texas Jeep Club Photos 1
North Texas Jeep Club Photos

Dallas Police

It is still unclear what role Dallas Police played at this event. Statements from the department indicate they knew this was a potential hotspot and had stationed undercover officers on site.

We will continue to report on issues with the Dallas Police Department as we did Sunday when this event first occured.

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