Rickie Rush of IBOC Accused of Rape

Rickie Rush was accused of multiple offenses against women on Sunday. The Dallas Morning News reported a detailed investigation into reports of sexual and physical assault allegations against DFW’s Inspiring Body of Christ (IBOC) evangelist Rush. IBOC is one of the largest churches in both Texas and the nation.

Rickie Rush Listens At Meeting

Rush is currently not facing any criminal charges, but in an NBC interview Moffeit said he did not deny the charges but said through a statement from his lawyer the claims appear to be specious and without evidence.

“Pastor Rush vehemently denies these accusations and humbly requests all to resist a rush to judgment until his due process rights our constitution guarantees has taking effect,” said Rush’s attorney Michael P. Heiskell.

There is a connection to Dallas Independent School District when he taught at Skyline High School that is being pursued also.

Rickie Rush

Rickie G. Rush is the Senior Pastor of the Inspiring Body of Christ Church. An internationally acclaimed speaker, teacher, and master illustrator, he is known for the engaging and humorous ways in which he simplifies the Word of God. Born to a single mother, he experienced tragedy and change early in life. The death of his mother, subsequent adoption, and calling to the ministry at 10 years old all combined to transform him from a devastated young boy in despair to a triumphant man of God filled with unlimited compassion. 

Pastor Rush earned a secondary teaching degree from the University of Texas at Arlington, which led him to teach theatre arts for seventeen years at Skyline High School in Dallas, TX. Later, he obtained a Doctor of Divinity degree from Rialto Bible College, which afforded him the opportunity to instruct adults and pastors at the collegiate level. Among his major educational influences were debate, oratory, and music. His love for music led to the organization of several gospel choirs. During his school and teaching years, he also maintained a rigorous preaching schedule. This was the beginning of what would lead to one of God’s greatest assignments in Pastor Rush’s life.

8 Replies to “Rickie Rush of IBOC Accused of Rape”

  1. Is anyone surprised that this tiny little runt of a man would use his stature in the church and at school to exploit and harm defenseless children? We seen this scenario play out amongst numerous church and unfortunately far too often in African-American dominated churches in which the preacher has absolute power and authority and his staff amd congregants cover for his misdeeds. He will deny these allegations until an overwhelming amount of people come out and speak their truth as to what happened to them at the hands of Pastor Rush. We seen this before at New Birth in Atlanta and other mega churches throughout the US

    1. You really need to watch your mouth about my Pastor. You have no idea what you are talking about and the disrespect is uncall for and unnecessary. No its not like New Birth. Obviously, you are not a believer and you don’t understand spiritual attacks when you are standing for Christ. He’s a true man of God. I will pray for forgiveness for you. God told us pray for those that wrongly persecute us. Watch what you say about Pastor or any man of God that God has appointed. Sir, curses are definitely real and you could speak them upon yourself. I Pray that God will open your understanding to who he is and Jesus’s character. This is a spiritual attack and Satan won’t win this either. I love my church and Pastor Rush at IBOC of # 18 years and going strong for myself. God have mercy on you. Please pray and ask God to give you a sense of direction on when and what to say before you just jump on the band wagon with a bunch of lies that devil have released, its truly not worth going to hell for. Have a blessed night.

  2. Nothing really surprises me in this season. God is coming back for a church that is without spot, winkle or blemish. Everything that’s hidden will be revealed this season! Only God, pastor, and the victims know what really happened behind closed doors. I pray that IF these accusations are true, Pastor would truly repent and step down. God has a way of humbling a person.

  3. This is a man of great Character and truly lives what he preaches. The devil comes to kill, still, and destroy. There is no doubt in my mind that he’s 100% innocent. Thousands of people can attest to his character.

  4. Personally, I don’t believe it’s true. As long as you preach a watered down gospel, people flock to that. All true men of God will be attacked .Especially in these last days. If you don’t confirm to the world, look out! The Bible speaks of these things
    Why wait until 24 yrs. later?. If you don’t let just anything go on in the church God put you over , you will be attacked.

  5. I’ve been following this Pastor for some years now and I remember here some months back during his sermon he mentioned he was given an opportunity to travel around the world and minister while he have other pastors preaching to his flock. He said the devil is always trying to offer you something just to see if you’ll go for it. He turned that opportunity down because he was doing what he was called to do and he loved the church. In so many words! This is the work of Satan and he will reveal himself this season. Stop going after God’s children for their past convictions. We are all sinners until we become one with God(Saved). He is innocent until otherwise so keep on delivering the word, Pastor Rush. You have truly help me with my walk with god. I have a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father because of Pastor Rickie Rush.

  6. Rev Rush is a good guy. I don’t attend his Church but thru the years I’ve known his members and saw the many good deeds he has and is doing in the community.
    Could it be true? Maybe, but to slander the good Rev for blackmail would not surprise me and any guy can point out at minimum five folk that would say terrible things about me and not be true.
    Every man with purpose will have folk trying to tear them down or dwindle their name.
    Just remember that your name is like credit and over the 30 years I’ve known his high school students and his members this mess has never been said.
    He’s a good Dude back off the cool Rev!😎

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