Minutes into Monday night’s CEC Meeting, Dallas Democrats Audit showed major problems and no mention of the recent DWI arrest of Judge Audrey Moorehead.
A recent audit showed a quarter million dollars had not been accounted for when transferred to the Coordinated Campaign committee. Those funds were unaccounted for block walkers, literature, and other campaign expenses.

One Precinct Chair who provided us with information about the audit report noted the block walkers expense was particularly interesting since the committee had gotten away from block walking due to COVID19.
Additionally, Philip Courtney Hogan who oversaw the audit process noted a major risk for embezzelment which he desribed as “room for people to steal” that the Dallas Democrats allowed the Director of Finance to both write checks and reconcile monthly bank statements.
Reportedly, additional problems were listed including no Director and Officer insurance, problems with payroll taxes not matching – i.e. W-2 and 941 payment mismatches, and IRS 1099 Forms not being submitted to the IRS for paid block walking employees.
Dallas Democrats Audit Report
Other Side Dallas is working to get a copy of the audit report. If we are able to get a copy of these issues we will publish immediately.
Joanna Cattanach To Lead Development
Another interesting development is the appointment of Joanna Cattanach to be the Dallas County Democratic Party’s Development Director. In October, Cattanach returned a contribution to the staffer of a primary opponent in her own race she lost against Morgan Meyer.
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