Code enforcement has been broadly targeting Deep Ellum noise recently and is getting push back from local bar owners.
Groups like 24 Hour Dallas have been trying to reinvigorate the night time economy locally so it was surprising to some to see Code Enforcement out in force recently.

A petition on states City Council “snuck through a new sound ordinance recently,” but this appears to be new enforcement of current city code, not a new policy.
Deep Ellum Noise Ordinances
Dallas City noise ordinances say “(1) No mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier may be operated within 150 feet of the property line of the premises of a residence, except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and sunset, as designated by publication in a local newspaper of general circulation.”
The next section also says “(2) A mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier may not emit loud and disturbing noises so as to interfere with the enjoyment of life or property or to interfere with public peace and comfort.“

Section 51A-6.102 handles noise regulation within the City of Dallas.
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