US News: Dallas Down To 37

Dallas Down To 37 in Best Cities To Live per US News and World Report, falling out of the Top 25.

Dallas Down To 37

The US News reports says “the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area has an interesting mix of Texas pride and cosmopolitan offerings,” but dropping out of the Top 25 Best Cities must hurt that pride more than a little.

It is not clear how much city council and city hall dysfunction played into the rankings.

Dallas Down To 37 As City…And Texas Is In Wrong Top 10

According to a study conducted by CNBC, the “Great State of Texas” isn’t. Per their study Texas is second on the list of America’s worst places to live in 2021.

The study found that Texas’ weaknesses include inclusiveness, health, voting rights, and public health funding.

CNBC’s review said, “For all its strength as a place to do business, Texas keeps trying to outdo itself when it comes to laws and policies that are seen as exclusionary.”

The city itself isn’t the only thing falling. Locally, schools have been dropping from previous number one national positions.

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