COVID19 returns to Dealey Montessori magnet school in North Dallas with Dallas Independent School District allowing unmasked students to enter the classroom in violation of their own mask mandates.

Sources say that while COVID19 numbers are reported to be three cases on the Royal Lane campus, the real numbers may be twice that.
COVID19 Returns to Dealey
Dealey Montessori was the site of two dozen protestors harrassing children as young as four jutst two weeks ago causing the school to back down from its own health protection standard.

Lauren Davis, Chief Culture Owner and spouse of The Gents Place, was pushing for her children to be allowed in regular classrooms unmasked despite wearing masks in other parts of their lives.

The Davis family business Twitter account also had an ominous post about which is better: the AK47 or M16 two days prior to the protest in what some called a threat.
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