Towniew magnet’s nonprofit site reports that Science and Engineering Townview alumni community service continues with Class of 2021 graduate, Dodge Suprun, raising money to bring baseball to kids with cancer.
Suprun, a member of Science and Engineering Class of 2021, and his charity, Strike Out Kids Cancer nonprofit, are the charity partners of the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team on Opening Night. Suprun’s charity also announced that Seinfeld’s Larry Thomas will sign autographs for select ticket holders.
Thomas dropped the ad below to support the cause.
Townview Alumni Community Service Continues In College
Tickets for the game and donations can be made here.
Locally, Strike Out Kids Cancer has previoously participated in North Texas Giving Day and plans to again this year.
Suprun was recruited to play baseball for the City College of New York Beavers where he is a two way player, playing the field and pitching, and studying economics.

Suprun was recruited to play baseball for the City College of New York Beavers where he is a two way player, playing the field and pitching, and studying economics.
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