Jasmine Crockett Supporter Donald Trump

A new wrinkle in the Texas 30 runoff election: Jasmine Crockett supporter Donald Trump. The wrinkle happens as the runoff election is now less than a month away.

Yesterday, Crockett received another $250,000 Super PAC donation from the Washington, DC based Web3 group per FEC records.

Jasmine Crockett Supporter Donald Trump

This group was formed in February 2022 and has offices at the same location as a PR firm that took in hundreds of thousands of dollars to rehabilitate the image of former Trump Centers for Medicare Services Director Seema Verma.

Jasmine Crockett Supporter Donald Trump

Published reports in Politico and The Washington Post detail how Trump and his defenders directed payments of more than $3M dollars away from programs for the elderly and poor towards image rehabilitation for his CMS administrator. Those same dollars are now flowing to the TX30 candidate Jasmine Crockett.

In addition to the millions of out of district Super PAC dollars flowing to Crockett to rehabilitate her image, she has not found the time to open a constituent office since being elected or passing any legislation.

This despite the fact she accused Mayor Eric Johnson and former State Representative Terri Hodge of not passing any legislation either – lies that were easly proven untrue.

Jasmine Crockett Supporter Donald Trump

State legislative bills can be reviewed online.

SuperPAC Dollars Tie Jasmine Crockett Supporter Donald Trump To TX30

It is unclear how many more out of state dollars will flow into the TX30 race, but local endorsements continue for Jane Hope Hamilton.

Crockett nearly won the TX30 Democratic primary outright. It is unclear if runoff voters will continue to vote for her after voting against Donald Trump four to one, but it is clear supporters of Donald Trump are now lining up quietly to support Crockett.

Additionally, some of the same financial supporters of the current State Representative for District 100 appear to have been providing financial assistance to QAnon leader and former Trump cabinet pick General Mike Flynn. In June 2021, Flynn called for a coup while here in Dallas at the For God and Country Patriot Roundup.

Crockett’s office would not return a call on this topic and she has yet to accept an invitation to a debate with her opponent Hamilton.

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