Clay Got COVID19 and his political foes wasted no time attacking him.
In a statement released Tuesday, Dallas County Judge said he tested for COVID19.

Political opponents like Barry Wernick came out immediately to wish Jenkins well. They also hoped he would take his own medicine and isolate.

Clay Got COVID19 – Ignoring Own Warnings
Four sources confirmed that Jenkins most recent routine did not include masks or social distancing.
Several of those sources believe Jenkins was isolating before the diagnosis given his recent work habits.
The same sources say Jenkins wanted to run for Governor. They say he has no fire to be Dallas County Judge anymore.
One county staffer said, “he is going through the motions, but isn’t there mentally anymore.”
COVID19 Stats
Cases are on the rise again though down from last year. Dallas County is currently on an “Extreme Caution” warning level.

At this time last year, Dallas County was exeriencing its highest infection rate totals since February 2021. In early August 2021, Dallas was experiencing 700 new cases per day. We are just over half that number now.
Mayor Eric Johnson was diagnosed with COVID19 in October 2021.
Locally, school protests at Dealey Montessori led to unmasked students in classrooms and brought a spike in cases there.