Three Dallas ISD students were assaulted by fireworks walking home from school on Monday afternoon, 30 August 2021.
The assault happened when an unidentified vehicle drove past and threw several fireworks at the three students in front of Royal Lane Baptist Church.

Dallas ISD has been back in operation going into its third week.
Dallas Police have been reeling from reports that twenty plus terrabytes of information were inappropriately lost that had a direct connection to ongoing cases.
Assaulted By Fireworks – No Response From Dallas Police
Dallas Police did not send out an officer to investigate or take a report at either the location of the assault, the residents home, or the treating facility for burns suffered from the explosion.
Dallas Police Department has yet to respond, echoing the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge incident last year and resulting After Action Report which brought about no discipinary action.
Dallas Fire Rescue did return an email within minutes stating they would not normally be involved with a case of this nature.
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