The new Dallas ISD Calendar is here. As a follow up to the previous story on Wednesday. The Board of Trustees has finally spoken on its propositions. The Dallas ISD calendar does have a late June finish, among other things.

Dallas ISD Calendar Explained
The Board of Trustees spent hours discussing this new calendar. With an emphasis to keep the same effective learning time, the new school year starts on September 8 and ends on June 18.
Although not explicitly stated, it’s suggested that the first few weeks of school will be online. As explained by the speaker, the main purpose expressed for the late start is to refine and polish online education.
“So its not about health, its not about safety, its not about getting the schools ready for a more safe environment, its about perfecting virtual instruction.” noted Trustee, Dustin Marshall.

The board also discussed eliminating breaks in order to finish the Dallas ISD calendar as usual. However, the board opted to extend to a June 18 finish rather than to shorten breaks. The only break that was cut was Fair days, due to the State Fair being cancelled.
On the contrary one new holiday was added, November 3, also known as election day. Schools act as a place to vote on that day. And in order to keep students and teachers away from potentially infected voters, election day will now be a holiday.
Others things to note:
- Administrators will get 14 hours of professional development for virtual learning
- Teachers will get 15-18 hours of training for virtual learning
- Up to 8 of the first few weeks might be online learning only
- Grading periods last 9 weeks instead of 6
- 5 professional development days for will be replaced for instructional time.
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