Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua plays hero behind fence again in another forced confrontation with Dallas City Council colleagues.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua was the only vote against an ordinance to improve pedestrian safety in medians and crosswalks.

Dallas City Council approved 14 – 1 a plan that allows citations and fines for people walking on medians or standing at intersections.

The new ordinance is not named or aimed at “panhandling,” but some suggest the intent is clear.

City staff paint a different picture though stating pedestrian-related deaths account for 30% of all deaths citywide.

According to Department of Transportation Director Ghassan Khankarli, “All we’re trying to do is protect innocent pedestrians from harm’s way.”

Focal areas will be on major and minor highways and access streets. The intent is to protect the vulnerable from higher volumes of traffic or higher speed.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua has claimed to support the homeless – until they are on his door step.

In previous years Bazaldua hid behind his fenced community when Keep Dallas Safe brought panhandlers to his neighborhood.

Bazaldua Plays Hero Behind Fence

Bazaldua was also silent when antifa activists acted threateningly during a homeless camp clean up earlier this summer.

Bazaldua lost another fight he picked with his own Democratic Party Precinct Chair.

Some have hinted that Bazaldua sees an opening to run for Mayor next year against sitting Mayor Eric Johnson and former Dallas ISD superintendent Michael Hinojosa.

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