A baby born with COVID19 was delivered at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. The child appears to have contracted the Coronavirus in the womb.

Baby Alexa tested positive at Parkland one day after she was born to Wendy Figueroa who had been admitted to the hospital with a fever, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms on April 30th.
The mother tested positive for COVID19, also known as the Coronavirus.
Because Alexa was about five weeks premature, she was kept in the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit while her mom was sent home.
Figueroa had to wait out a 14-day quarantine before being sure she was over the disease. Only then was it safe to bring Alexa home.
Baby Born With COVID19 – The First?
Their case has been published this week in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.
There has been ongoing debate about the safety of opening schools and whether or not children were susceptible to COVID19. While Dallas’ COVID19 numbers have declined recently, we are still a hot spot for the disease.
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