President Biden Expected At Funeral

President Biden Expected

President Biden expected at funeral of late Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson later today to memorialize a Capitol Hill ‘icon.’

The former Member of Congress Eddie Bernice Johnson died New Year’s Eve Day.

President Biden Expected

The White House statement on news of her death called her an “icon and mentor.” It went on to say her legacy was one of “resilience and purpose.”

In a statement at the time, Biden praised the late lawmaker’s tenure in Congress. Per The White House, she displayed “immense courage and a commitment to the promise of America.”

EBJ History

She was born in Waco, Texas on December 3, 1935 and became a nurse before her political career.

The first black woman elected to any office in Dallas was Congresswoman Johnson. The first black person elected to Congress from Dallas was Rep EBJ.

She rose over decades in Congress to chair the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

President Biden Expected At Funeral

President Biden will arrive later today for the funeral and immediately depart thereafter.

It is expected the motorcade and other requirements of his security detail will create traffic issues this afternoon.

RIP Eddie Bernice Johnson

RIP Eddie Bernice Johnson

RIP Eddie Bernice Johnson is the headline throughout Dallas as the local political icon dies on New Year’s Eve day according to her family.

She was born in Waco, Texas on December 3, 1935 and became a nurse before her political career.

The first black woman elected to any office in Dallas was Congresswoman Johnson. The first black person elected to Congress from Dallas was Rep EBJ.

RIP Eddie Bernice Johnson

She rose over decades in Congress to chair the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

In a Facebook post her son, Kirk Johnson, wrote, “I am heartbroken to share the news that my mother, Eddie Bernice Johnson, has passed away.”

Funeral arrangements are pending.

RIP Eddie Bernice Johnson Across Dallas

One of the first statements came from District 4.

Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn King Arnold wrote a heartfelt statement.

“I was truly saddened today to wake up to the news that Congresswoman Johnson had passed.”

She continued, “I have many great memories working alongside her in southern Dallas.”

Additionally, another city council member, Paula Blackmon, hailed Johnson as a local hero – getting projects done.

Above all, it is clear, Johnson would bring national support for local projects.

City Council Member Paula Blackmon said, “Dallas lost a trailblazer today with the passing of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson.”

“She was a true champion for Dallas and, in particular, White Rock Lake. Her advocacy is a testament to her commitment to the environment and the recreational spaces that everyone in the Dallas community could enjoy. When she said, “I got this,” you knew it was good as done,” her statement continues.

“I’m grateful to have been able to call Eddie Bernice Johnson my friend,” Blackmon would say. She concluded, “…my prayers are with her family and friends.”

Other Side Dallas is your source for Dallas local breaking news in 2024.

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024 to Other Side Dallas readers across the city and county of Dallas and hopes for a prosperous year.

As always he will continue to bring you the news you want and request. Our biggest stories in 2023 were stories that have resonated since 2020.

Happy New Year 2024

We know that covering news that matters – particularly for the 2024 elections – is important to voters.

Our goal is to continue looking under the rocks the mainstream doesn’t have time to consider.

If there are stories we need to know about, please send us a message.

Some of our biggest stories came about because readers sent us information that we followed.

Happy New Year 2024

More than anything know we want to help you get relevant Dallas news in 2024 and beyond.

Thank you for being our partner on this journey.

Other Side Dallas will be your source for Dallas local breaking news in 2024.

Best Of 2023

Best Of 2023

Best Of 2023 from Other Side Dallas includes surprised topics that we would not have predicted in January.

The biggest stories by pageviews on Other Side Dallas for included two stories from 2022 and one from 2020. This year Other Side Dallas hit 100,000 views per month for the first time.

Best Of 2023

The biggest stories of the year by pageview are…

  1. Friday the 13th Attack Warning
  2. Deion Sanders (2022 story)
  3. Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault (2022 story)
  4. US Attorney In Amateur Hotwife Porn (2020 story)
  5. Hillcrest Nazis

The plan is to continue covering news that matters – particularly for the 2024 elections – this coming year.

We believe that journalism means sometimes you have to print things that are uncomfortable for our readers.

Best Of 2023

We have not done public relations and don’t plan to start in 2024.

Best Of 2023

In 2024, Other Side Dallas will continue writing about Dallas local breaking news as we can throughout 2024.

We will see you in 2024.

Primetime For The Truth

Primetime For The Truth – a documentary covering the brutal assault of teacher John Darjean – is coming to Amazon Prime.

The documentary will be available soon, but an official release has not yet been named.

The trailer for Amazon Prime’s upcoming release Primetime For The Truth.

A 2016 personal injury case has led to an eight figure legal judgement against Deion Sanders family including his son, Shilo, after an assault at the successor to Prime Prep Academy, Focus Learning Academy.

Deion and Shilo Sanders are ordered to pay for the brutal assault per a May judgement. The judgement against Sanders originally came in May 2022.

It is a rumor this was one of Sanders’ reasons for leaving the SWAC.

Primetime For The Truth

The documentary directed and produced by Darjean includes depositions of unrepentant Shilo Sanders.

It also includes the deposition of Deion Sanders.

Primetime For The Truth

Other Side Dallas will continue to cover this story as Sanders is rumored to be returning to Texas as a coach in Houston.

We Want You

We want you to help us now, today, and hereon. Other Side Dallas is actively working several stories and need your input.

Right now Other Side Dallas is actively working multiple stories here in Dallas.

We are working a police violence story in Dallas Police Department.

We are learning about financial irregularities, nepotism, violence, and total ineptitude in emergency management procedures in Dallas Independent School District.

We Want You

We also are seeking information to follow up to a US Attorney’s Office blockbuster.

If you have a story we should be on we need to hear it. All of ther above will be seen by the public. Right now we are waiting for subjects to respond to inquiries.

Thankfully we have honest cops, teachers and Dallas ISD administrative staff providing information on background. This information developed with other sources provides the real stories that matter.

We Want You And Your News

You can contact Other Side Dallas thru our Contact form. We will respond through one of several people who are best able to research your concerns.

Our response will likely be thru a secure server and we always use Virtual Private Networks for your protection.

Dealey Montessori Disaster Again

Dealey Montessori Disaster Again

Dealey Montessori disaster again as second year principal Cristina Ibarra was reassigned without explanation Tuesday afternoon.

Some parents learned of the Dallas Independent School District decision through an email Tuesday afternoon. The email went to less than half the school population.

Parents are now asking if Dealey will continue to have a revolving door after this incident. The removal of Ibarra will bring a sixth principal in four years counting interims staff members.

Dealey Montessori Disaster Again

Ibarra has been an effective principal for Dealey Montessori turning around a campus that was slowly fading.

School based parental “leaders” sent out an email to a separate email list later in the evening. They had to send a second with corrections after the first was misworded.

Parents on a Facebook group described “disappointment”, “shock” and “outrage” over the decision.

The decision casts doubt on Dallas ISD’s ability to lead. Neither Dallas ISD staff, nor Trustee Sarah Weinberg, has returned emails to Other Side Dallas.

Officials are reportedly calling the move a “personnel issue,” but some parents are not buying the explanation.

One parent who requested anonymity said principals at other schools stayed assigned to their campus despite reports of sexual assault. (The reference to the Geneva Heights and Lipscomb story that Other Side Dallas reported in 2022.)

The parent continued, if this is about impropriety “why are they moving her to another school?”

Dealey Montessori Disaster Again Follows Years Of Missteps

The move of Ibarra, who had calmed tensions at the north Dallas campus, follows years of poor management by Beth Wing.

Wing was criticized by parents for her failures in handling Lauren Davis’ attacks on Dealey Montessori at the start of the school year in 2021 and again in December when Dallas Police Department actively worked to protect white “no mask” protestors over the safety of children at the school.

Wing was later transferred to WT White in which many called a promotion despite widespread complaints from parents about her failures in communicating and responding to a situation she helped escalate.

Her lack of leadership continued at WT White where she placed a student assaulted into the same classroom as her assaulter.

RIP Chief David Kunkle

RIP Chief David Kunkle

Chief David Kunkle will be laid to rest today after battling Lewy body dementia. He was 72.

The funeral for the former Chief of Police in Dallas and Arlington will be later today.

RIP Chief David Kunkle

Kunkle’s life and legacy will be celebrated today at 10:00AM at the Sparkman Hillcrest Funeral Home.

Services will be available by livestream.

RIP Chief David Kunkle

Kunkle served as Dallas’ top cop from 2004 until his retirement in 2010.

Kunkle is credited for improving officer morale and enacting smart policies that created nationwide ripples.

His first assignment was Dallas’ Northwest Patrol Division in 1972. He also served as police chief in Grand Prairie and Arlington.

In a written statement, Chief Eddie García of Kunkle, “he left a legacy and very high bar to achieve for any leader of this organization.”

In an statement to Dallas Police, Garcia said Kunkle was a progressive chief who was “willing to make tough decisions.”

Garcia continued, “His leadership echoes today in how we police our city and in our current policies and procedures.”

Kunkle was also police chief for Arlington. A statement by their city said in part Kunkle was a “remarkable man and public servant.” He also served as Deputy City Manager there.

In 2011, he ran for mayor against Mike Rawlings. Former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller wrote an op-ed for The Dallas Morning News calling him Dallas’ “unlikely savior.”

Russian Porn Owns ReformDallas Site

Russian Porn owns ReformDallas site through this morning. Former candidate John Botefur reported the news on our Facebook group.

Russian Porn Owns ReformDallas

The site takeover started yesterday around noon and so far the site is still up and pumping views for Dallas RD faithful.

For those so inclined you can see Reform’s website here.

Russian Porn Owns ReformDallas – Other Side Dallas Not Involved

At least one person suggests Other Side Dallas was involved with the hijinks. Other Side Dallas categorically both denies involvement and finds the episode funny.

Other Side Dallas does fight with scam linkers regularly who attempt to gain search engine advantage by posting links to similar sites.

It is unclear how Reform Dallas caught the attention of this site or its operators.

Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault

Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault

Deion Sanders ordered to pay for brutal assault by son Shilo could be reason for leaving SWAC.

A 2016 personal injury case has led to an eight figure legal judgement against Deion Sanders family. The judgement against Sanders includes his son, Shilo, comes after an assault at the successor to Prime Prep Academy. The successor agency Focus Learning Academy attempted to salvage Sanders’ mismanagement at Prime Prep Academy.

In September 2015, Darjean then an employee with Focus Learning Academy. Darjean was violently attacked by Shilo Sanders – son of Deion and Pilar Sanders.

The attack caused by the younger Sanders hospitalized Darjean for multiple days in the hospital. It also required significant medical care including spinal surgery.

Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault

The outburst by Shilo Sanders cost medical providers more than $115,000 in medical care at the time. Per court documents the injuries made Darjean unable to maintain gainful employment due to permanent neurological injuries and damage to his cervical spine.

Deion Sanders had publically denied the allegations and accused Darjean of being a liar.

Darjean is a former New York Yankees prospect who ran free baseball programs for Dallas area children. He also assisted one of his students in, a Townview alumni, with starting a nonprofit to bring baseball for children with cancer.

Darjean’s suit blames Sanders and his ex-wife Pilar of failing to supervise their child and failing to raise him to not act like a savage in public.

The full judgement can be found here:

Sanders Ordered To Pay For Brutal Assault, But Not Only Issue?

Prime Prep Academy was founded in 2012 in part by the former NFL cornerback. When it was established it had 1100 students in Oak Cliff and Ft. Worth, but things would quickly go sideways.

By January 2015, the school was closed due to financial insolvency. It and its nonprofit sponsor Uplift Ft Worth are still subject to pending court action over National School Lunch Program.

The school was closed with less than an hours’ notice and employees were shocked to find out their health insurance and retirement premiums were not being paid. A lawsuit by six employees helped recover some of their back wages that weren’t paid.

Focus Learning Academy took a majority of the students from Prime Prep Academy. Later the Texas Education Agency closed Focus Learning Academy for violating “Three Strikes” provisions for charter schools.

The elder Sanders is leaving Jackson State University and the Southwestern Athletic Conference. He is the new coach of the University of Colorado at Boulder. There are rumors of financial problems at Jackson State University and possible NCAA recruiting issues.