“Take A Knee” comes to Dallas in the form of a new gaslighting video from Renee Hall and Dallas Police Department.
The new video just released by the Dallas Police Department begins with the statement — “To the communities we serve: We hear you.”
It asks residents to “work together to end racism” and join the department to #TakeAKnee.
Included in the video is Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo as well as other Chiefs and County Sheriff’s across the country joining protesters. The video goes on to say, “Before we can move forward we need to pause… to listen before we speak.” The video includes images of officers from other departments embracing protesters. It includes images of other officers taking a knee as crowds cheer. The video continues saying “Black lives do matter”.
Take a Knee
Dallas police spokesman were unavailable for comment as to whether or not Chief Hall learned this level of gaslighting from Donald Trump during his Dallas visit.
Dallas police have a long history, like Derek Chauvin, of taking a knee into citizens’ backs. It is particularly deceptive for Chief Hall to coopt that phrase given her own violent tendencies and poor command judgements.
We have provided descriptions of officers shooting rubber bullets at bystanders, beating a prone citizen filming activity, and lying about their actions on the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge.
One viewer noted “she had to get footage from elsewhere because all she did was yell and tear gas people.”
Another viewer said this was just to save her budget and perhaps her job.