Lauren Davis Won’t Take No

Lauren Davis Won't Take No

Lauren Davis won’t take no for an answer from Dallas voters and is already preparing a run for Mayor of Dallas.

A phone text survey went out Saturday and Sunday per multiple readers asking would recipients prefer Davis or Eric Johnson. Lurking in the not so distant shadows is Michael Hinojosa and possibly Adam Bazaldua.

Lauren Davis Won't Take No
Lauren Davis Won't Take No

It appears Davis may be ready to continue the abuse of the Dallas voter for another campaign cycle.

It is unclear who is paying for the polling since there was no TEC required disclosure.

Lauren Davis Won’t Take No Or Yes

Davis received notoriety for pushing campus protests at Dealey Montessori during the 2021-2022 school year. Those protests culminated with dangerous posts by her business The Gents Place about preferred firearms between the AK47 and M16. Dealey Montessori previously was considered a crown jewel of Dallas Independent School District.

Lauren Davis Won't Take No

Davis recently lost the County Judge election against Clay Jenkins by a nearly two-to-one margin. This was more than one hundred thousand vote separation.

Davis made her entire campaign about her personal victimhood during the Dealey saga she created. She is also said to have pulled down other GOP candidates forced to run with her including JJ Koch and Greg Shalan in reliably red areas.

Davis protests are said to to be the reason for Beth Wing’s ouster at Dealey, but her lack of leadership followed her to WT White.

Campaign 2023

Other Side Dallas welcomes reader information and if you have information on potential candidatesor issues our phone lines are open – proverbially speaking of course. Please reach out and let us know what you’re hearing.

Dallas, Dallas ISD Surrenders On Masks

Dallas ISD Surrenders On Masks

One day before primary voters choose party standard bearers, Dallas County and Dallas ISD surrenders on masks to Lauren Davis and reality.

Dallas ISD Surrenders On Masks

Lauren Davis is challenging Edwin Flores for the Republican nomination to challenge Clay Jenkins in the November General Election.

Davis has gained prominence leading protests at Dealey Montessori Academy starting in September and as Chief Culture Officer for The Gents Place which has had unique views unrelated to men’s salon services recently.

The protests caused parent anger, particularly when Dallas Police seemed to go out of their way to protect white protestor rights over those of Black Lives Matter protests just a year prior. The protests seemed to be the impetus for Beth Wing’s sudden departure.

Dallas ISD Surrenders On Masks

The Hinojosa flip flop comes as he reportedly prepares a mayoral run next year.

Dallas, Dallas ISD Surrenders On Masks – Any Change In Data?

In a late Friday afternoon statement, Judge Clay Jenkins announced his revised order regarding mask requirements in Dallas County.

“One hour after the CDC recommendation today, the public health committee met to look at hospital numbers here, medical modeling from UT Southwestern, and other information critical to advising,” said Jenkins.

However, some say, “What order? Government facilities have not mandated masks. Look at local theater operations,” said one county employee.

Many have complained that neither Dallas County, nor City of Dallas, took serious precautions once they decided to open back up.

“The theater here is that we needed masks,” the employee said. “This has all been political posturing by people who have magnetic attractions to microphones.”

“Clay Jenkins never mentioned paper masks don’t work against omicron. You need a N95 or KN95, but that doesn’t work for his audience of knitting circles.”

Both Dallas and Dallas schools says masks will no longer be mandated, but that they are “recommended.”

The Gents Place Culture?

The Gents Place Culture

The Gents Place Culture Officer Lauren Davis did not respond to a question about why the company Twitter account asked about a preference between an AK-47 and an M-16 rifle on their social media accounts while she is planning a protest at Dealey Montessori on Thursday, October 14.

The Gents Place Culture

The post above comes as Ms. Davis has escalated a private feud with Dallas Independent School District over their mask mandate to the point of organizing a prayer rally in front of the school and now a protest.

Her two Dealey students had previously disrupted classroom time in September.

The Gents Place Culture or School Threat?

Two parents asked late last night said that these images do not fit with a hair salon.

The Gents Place Culture Officer Lauren Davis Masked With Masked Child

“The question of firearms with everything else going on makes it appear they are intimidating the school,” said one. “This post comes out and 24 hours later DISD gives in to their insane demands all so she can get donations to help her struggling business.”

Dallas ISD did not inform parents that the students would be allowed to return to class via email or written communication. Many parents expressed shock and frustration that what had been a communal environment is being town apart by The Gents Place culture officer, and rumored potential candidate, who wears a mask in the Gents Place salon and while at church activites.

The Gents Place Culture Officer Lauren Davis Masked

It is unclear why she objects to her students wearing masks at Dealey Montessori. We have confirmed her high school student complies with the district mask mandate at Hillcrest High School without objection or disruption.

No word on how Dallas ISD will respond.