A budget memo released Tuesday may reorganize next year’s budget for the Dallas Police Department. In the memo Council Member Adam Bazaldua said “We hear many of our constituents’ calls to ‘defund’ the Dallas Police Department.”
The memo asks City Manager T.C. Broadnax to redirect dollars from the police department. It states: “We ask you to present options that reallocate public safety funding…”.
The city is scheduled to hold a budget workshop next week on June 17, during which the council members say they want to hear new ideas.
The memo was signed by all but four council members. In perhaps another sign of the political divide between north and south Dallas, all four represent more affluent north Dallas. Those who did not sign include Adam McGough, Cara Mendelsohn, Jennifer Staubach Gates, and David Blewett.

Budget Memo Preface
Beyond the upcoming budget memo for the next fiscal year though is a discussion taking place at today’s meeting on expanding the Police budget by an additional $6.5M.

Police budget issues have become a hot point since Dallas Police have been found to be assaulting innocent bystanders at George Floyd protests and also caught lying about police activity at those events.
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