Cash For Vaccinations

Dallas Independent School District is offering cash for vaccinations to students and staff who get the COVID19 vaccination.

DISD is believed to be the first district in Texas to offer students ages 12 and up cash incentives for voluntarily getting vaccinated. The district said they will give fully vaccinated students a $50 gift card that can be used the same as cash.

Cash For Vaccinations

Teachers are eligible for a larger incentive of $500.

As of September 13, Dallas Independent School District reported 1,546 confirmed cases of COVID19 among students and 650 additional cases in staff.

The district is enforcing a mask mandate despite being forbidden by the governor and his executive order banning such mitigation efforts.

Dallas schools have more than 140,000 students and an infection rate of just over one percent.

Other large districts like Arlington and Frisco have less than half the student population of the Dallas ISD and are reporting hundreds of more infections among students leading to higher infection rates – both Arlington and Frisco are three times as much as Dallas. Neither Arlington or Frisco has a mask mandate.

Cash For Vaccinations Details

The announcement of the student vaccination incentive comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Dallas County Health officials have raised the COVID19 alert to level red and reported that hospitalizations are rising at the fastest rate since the pandemic began, among all age groups, including children.

Participation in the student vaccination incentive is entirely voluntary and based on the personal preferences of students and their families. The information provided will help the district determine how many students who are eligible have been fully vaccinated and facilitate the contact tracing and quarantine processes, which are different depending on vaccination status.

More information can be found here.

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