White protestors at Dealey Montessori are being protected by Dallas Police Officers despite blocking walking paths of parents picking up their children and repeatedly wandering onto school property. Dallas Police are also not responding to calls for assault against children at Dealey.
Dealey had been COVID19 free until the mask mandate lifted and then it shot to seven cases once the protesting students were allowed to attend class unmasked. They have since been withdrawn.
Dealey Montessori has now had four protests this semester starting in September and again in October due to districtwide mask mandates. Prior to the second event, The Gents Place corporate blog asked which is more appropriate the AK47 or M16 in a blog post that seemed to threaten students and staff. The parent leading the protests at the time was the Chief Culture Officer for The Gents Place.
At the time, Adam McGough was the only member of Dallas City Council to request Dallas Police assistance. Requests to Gay Donnel Willis and Jaynie Schultz went unanswered.
More concerning now is the lack of response from Dallas ISD to parent concerns. Four separate families report Dealey Montessori staff and principal Beth Wing do not respond to calls, emails, and do not communicate in a timely manner about these events.
These familes say in addition to no answers from Beth Wing or Ryan Zysk, there is no communication at all and the district is shutting down conversation with the very people who support the school.
“Dallas ISD Board Services will not even allow speakers against the management of the school,” said another parent who continued, “they want emails, but then they do not respond.”
One parent noted she had found what appeared to be a recent threat on her son’s social media accounts about a shooting and their was no response from school staff.

“What is the use in a see something, say something policy if the people you say it to ignore you?,” the parent asked.
Wing also disappointed school families for her late cancellation of a school play that had run for years.
City Officials With Two Responses
The furstration is mounting though for parents.
Today’s protest included Lynn Strawn Daenport – a local education gadfly – who is known to be a QAnon afficionado. QAnon has been growing in local political power among Republicans. Earlier this year Gen. Mike Flynn suggested a coup at the Dallas Convention Center.
Davenport’s husband works for Dallas based Top Golf and a small group of parents are considering a counter protest at both The Gents Place and Top Golf to respond to what they describe as ongoing harassment.
“If they continue to harrass and threaten our children, we will hit them in the pocketbook,” said one parent.
While Dallas Police do not have time to deal with threats against children, local city officials are harrassing local homeowners over other First Amendment issues.

White Protestors At Dealey Montessori v Black Protestors at Dealey Plaza
In a statement by Public Information Officer Melinda Gutierrez “the Dallas Police Department will not interfere with a lawful and peaceful assembly of any individuals or groups expressing their first amendment rights.”
She would not respond to follow up questions about why white COVID19 protestors are being handled so differently from black protestors during the George Floyd protest.
In the June 2020 protests officers injured numerous protestors leading to an After Action Report with a number of excuses, but no blame.
In addition to assaulting protestors, several bystanders were injured also.
Dallas Police have not stopped with the George Floyd protests. More recently a man was beaten by officer Melvin Williams in Deep Ellum, but their history of assaults against citizens is not new.
In the past year alone a DPD officer has been arrested for Family Violence Assault and another for sexual assault of a child. DPD sources are still not speaking about the family detained in their own home without cause.
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