Mandatory masks stay in Dallas ISD after a Sunday night email to parents.

Dallas County like much of America is in a coronavirus Hot Zone as the Omicron variant is causing a rapid rise in COVID infections. Beyond Dallas ISD it is unclear on what steps state or federal government can take in light of the pandemic.
Masks Stay Thru Spring Break – At Least
The full statement to Dallas Schools’ parents is here:
Dallas ISD Parents,
Happy New Year. As we prepare for classes to resume this week, we continue to monitor COVID19 data and prepare for a safe return. Dallas County recently returned to level Red as the new Omicron variant has proven to be more easily transmitted than previous strains. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) anticipates the number of positive cases will increase over the next few weeks.
Dallas ISD’s mask requirement, along with other safety measures, has helped keep the number of positive cases down across the district. As staff return to work and classes resume, adhering to the mask protocol will be critical to controlling the spread and keeping students in classrooms. We will continue our mask and quarantine protocols and reassess at spring break. In-person classes will resume Wednesday January 5, as scheduled.
We remain committed to following established safety measures:
- requiring masks
- encouraging vaccinations
- practicing social distancing
- continuing cleaning and hygiene efforts, and
- frequent testing.
Campus nurses will be available to test campus staff and students. We will also have a central testing site at the William H. Cotton Service Center, 3701 S. Lamar, from 8AM – 1PM on Monday, January 3 and Tuesday, January 4.
Those who have been fully vaccinated and are deemed a close contact will not be required to quarantine if they are not displaying symptoms. As always, anyone who displays symptoms of COVID19 should stay home and contact their health care provider.
The safety and well-being of our students and staff continues to be our top priority. Thank you for your support and commitment to helping keep everyone safe.
Mask Debate Continues
The ongoing discussion of masks in schools will likely continue a debate about students wearing masks beyond just NextDoor groups.

Most notably a group of upper middle class white individuals have been pushing back against the mask mandate at Dealey Montessori. The protests were pushed by Lauren Davis who has worn masks regularly in public spaces. They also come despite President Trump stating he has taken both the vaccine and booster leading some of the Alex Jones style sycophants to describe him as a “sell out.”