Love Field Drops Masks Requirement

Dallas Love Field drops masks requirement hours after a federal judge in Miami, Florida ruled they were unconstituional. The Dallas Airport wasted no time after given the go ahead by the judge’s ruling.

Love Field Drops Masks

US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle said the mandate was unlawful because it exceeded the statutory authority of the Centers for Disease Control. Her ruling stated it was unconstitutional because of its implementation violated administrative law.

Southwest has been pushing to elimenate the mask mandate for some time, despite Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly getting coronavirus himself.

The mask mandate itself has led to multiple arrests and assaults on aircraft.

Southwest Airlines, Love Field Drops Masks Plus More

Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, JetBlue, and United all dropped their masking requirements in the immediate hours after the ruling.

There is no indication the Biden Administration will appeal the decision.

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